Language, not in front of Grandma

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Today i woke up to Clary shaking my arm saying she knew where to find the Cup, i was angry that she woke me up to say the least. An hour after i was woken up Clary, Jace and I made our way to the police station, when we got there Luke told us to wait outside while he went to get the tarot card the Cup was hide in.

After a while Jace piped up "Just so im clear, he did mention something about trying to avoid attention, right? From th look of it, he's doing a terrible job." Me and Clary looked to find Luke being handcuffed with a few people surrounding him.

"Okay we need a new plan." I say looking back to the other two

"We cant glamour ourselves, Luke said its not safe here." Jace warned "im gonna call for backup he added."

"I think Ive got an idea... we need Izzy and Alec for it." Clary said with a grin

"A good plan this time?" Jace asked

"90%" Clary smiled "Just follow my lead. Oh and apologise."

"Apologise for what" Jace asked

"The other 10%"

Clary and Jace go into the building with there plan while i wait outside for Izzy and Alec to arrive, while I'm scanning the perimeter I numb into someone.

"Earth to Hayley." I jump and look up to see Izzy and Alec staring and me

"Shit, sorry" i say "i zone out when i get bored"

"You know what? I'm gonna bring Alec with me next time. I dont think he's ever slapped me in the face." We all turn around to see Clary and Jace walking up to us

"I'm sorry, i panicked" Clary sighed

"You called for backup?" Izzy asked

"Yeah" Jace said and explained the plan to them "it'll be quicker and easier we split up... come on Clary" Jace said, i saluted them as they walked off

Izzy turned to look at me and Alec "c'mon lovebirds" she said walking away, i saw Alec try to hide his slightly reddened cheeks.

When we got into the police station we saw the ID we needed on a guys desk

"We need that ID to get through the back." Izzy grinned

"Okay, im guessing your the distraction?" Alec asked looking at his sister

"Nope, I've decided to grow up, remember? No more distracting for me." Izzy sighed and looked at me

"Fine" i groan "dont get to jealous Alec im just doing my job" i say winking and walking off

As I approached I smiled at the young officer sitting at the desk he was around my age thank God.

"Hey" i said when i reached his desk

"H-hi" he stammered looking up at me, this was gonna be to easy."h-how can i-i help you"

"Well" i glance to where the ID is "there is something you could help me with" I say

"Ill help, a-anything"

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