How Convinient for you, Bitch

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We walk through Camilles apartment in complete silence, in fat the only sound on the entire journey was Simon trying to crack a joke. The place was full of wall to floor bookshelves overflowing with books.

"Wow" Alec acknowledges "you have a lot of books."

Camille smirks "ive got a lot of time on my hands." All i want to do is slap that stupid smirk off of her face

A human looking man walks through the door of the library bowing before Camille "welcome home, Madame Belcourt"

"This place creeps me out" Izzy says ear face contorting

"Her servants cute though." I say with a grin a she smiles back


"Lets check the perimeter." Alec says

Mags nods "good ides, if i know Camille, she'll have a good trick or three up her sleeve." He moves from his spot and goes through the same door as Alec.

"I still dont get it."Clary looks at Camille "why do you have this place if you live at the Hotel DuMort?"

Camille shrugs "the DuMort has too many rules. Think of it like this the Hotel is an official residence but it doesn't mean I have to live there. This place gives me the freedom to indulge in certain proclivities."

Simon grins "you and me are having the same problem." Camille jabs him with her finger, "ow, hey!"

"Come with me." She simply says.

While Simon and Camille are talking about signing the documents me and Clary search the bookshelves for the Book of White, we wrk in silence for a couple of minutes until Simon and Camille appear back in the room.

"He did what you asked." Clary said referring to her new found freedom "now give us the Book of White."

Camille smiles "id love to." She walks over to the closest bookshelf runs her fingers along the spines of the books "but i cant. I have no idea where it is."

"Dot gave it to you." Clary responds desperation seeping into her voice at the realisation that if they dont get the book they cant wake Jocelyn up.

"I'm sure it's here somewhere," Camille replies "but if the idea was to hide it, telling you would defeat the purpose. Do must've put it somewhere when i wasnt looking."

"How convenient for you, bitch." I scowl at her my eyes narrow

"So we have to search the whole apartment ?" Clary asks, shocked

"See?" Camille smirks "thats the spirit. Although, id start now ive 4 more rooms just like this one."

"Fuck you." I growl storming into the neighbouring room

We work though the shelves for about half a frickin hour before finally Clary finds something, im telling you by the time this happened i was about ready to kill someone.

Clary grabs a cookbook off of the shelf and opens it to a page that has a bookmark in it, her eyes widen at what she sees, its the other half of the bookmark that we used to track Camille with.

Clary pulls the second half out of her pocket and places it down next to its other half, gasping when the regular cookbook transforms into the Book of White .

"This is it." Clary whispers in disbelief

"You did it." Simon replies pulling Clary into a hug

"Alec, Magnus." I call as Izzy rushes into the room "we found it!"

"We gotta go." Izzy says quickly "he's here."

Clary snaps the book closed and shoves it into her backpack "lets go."

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