I Said the Magical Words

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The next day we were all gathered in the main room of the Institute, Jocelyn still under the spell was floating in the middle of the room all of us standing around her.

"You really think this is gonna work?" Clary asks Mags before he start the spell

"Let us hope." Mags replies opening the Book of White, he raises his hand and starts to move it blue some coming out of his hands as he speaks some weird language.

He starts to speaks louder his magic stronger until the spell wears of and Luke catches Jocelyn before she can fall to the floor.

"I got you." Luke says before they hug each other tightly

"Mum. Mum!" Clary breathes, on the verge of tears "i missed you so much."

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about your past." Jocelyn says running her hands gently through her daughters hair.

"No. Not now. I have had enough for one day." Clary replies "we can talk about all that later. Right now... right now i just really need my mum."

Jocelyn pulls her into another hug as Clary cries "it okay."

After that i walk out of the room feeling upset

"Hayley. Hayley." Alec calls as I reach the door to my room "what wrong?"

"It nothing." I say reaching to open the door, but he grabs my arm and spins me around to face him

"You can talk to me." He says "about anything."

"It nothing, really."

"I'm not leaving until you tell me whats wrong." He argues, we stare at each other for over a minute before i give up. Opening the door i move to the side to let him in, he sits on the edge of the bed and sit next to him.

"Its..." i start

"If you say its nothing again, i will hurt you." He threatens causing me to smile slightly

"Seeing Clary with Jocelyn and Luke who is practically her dad, makes me remember how much i miss my dad. Its just hard sometimes and i know i dont act serious but i only do that because it help take my mind off of things." I tell him looking down at the floor, im glad i finally told someone its like a weight has lifted of my shoulders.

Alec doesnt asks questions he just pulls me into his arms and says "I didn't know."

We stay on the bed for along time in silence, i look up at him and he smiles at me "thank you for being there for me." I murmur

In reply he leans down and presses his lips to mine, the next words come out of my mouth before i can stop them "i love you." I tell him my eyes widening as i pull away from him.

"I didn't mean to say that." I cover my mouth with my hands "please dont laugh at me." i turn heading towards the door.

"Hey." He says standing up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist "why would i laugh at you?" He asks his lips next to my ear

"I dont know, because im an idiot and i just said you know." I say still panicking slightly

"Calm down." He says spinning me around and pushing me against the door "i love you too." He adds pressing his lips to mine again. We kiss for god knows how long until we are interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Hayley." Izzy calls


"Is Alec in there with you."

"Possibly." I call back

"We are going to Takis to celebrate." She calls and i can just about hear the smirk in her voice

"We'll meet you out the front." I tell her and after a couple of seconds i hear her footsteps disappear down the hall.

I give Alec a quick kiss on the lips before grabbing his hand and pulling him out the door.

"Lets go."


Hi lovelies i am sad to say that this is the last chapter before the epilogue, i hope you enjoyed it

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Hi lovelies i am sad to say that this is the last chapter before the epilogue, i hope you enjoyed it

Luv ya xx

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