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*love this song*

"Have you lost your mind?" Raphael accuses, turning around to face her after hearing her proposition. To be honest i dont think Clarys idea was that good she decided that we would hide at the Hotel DuMort. Raphael continues "two shadowhunters, and a werewolf?" You do know this isn't a hotel?"

"I mean technically it is" I chime in smiling at him, Raphael growls and Clary starts talking before an argument starts.

"Look, we just need some place secure until we can figure out a plan" She says

"These people never listen." Luke shrugs still glaring at Raphael, there werewolf vampire hatred is obvious "Don't bother, lets go"

"You should put a muzzle on that mutt." Raphael taunts as Luke starts walking away, but he halts when he hears what Raphael said "The fledgling can stay. But you two aren't exactly welcome after you barbecued half a dozen of my people." He says turning to look at Clary and I

I shrug while Clary takes a step forward, before she can do anything stupid Simon steps in "Lets go, please, I dont want any part of this."

Clary spins around and glares at SImon "Look there isn't any place else" she says before turning back to face Raphael "You need Simon back, right? To prove Camille broke the Accords? What good will he be if he dies of starvation?"

"Burnnn" I laugh

"Hayley" Clary warns, i roll my eyes. Raphael thinks for a couple of seconds before looking at SImon and sighing "Fine, but the stray waits outside."

Luke takes a warning step towards Raphael "If anything happens to these three, you wont have to wait till sunup. Ill kill you myself." He says before turning to walk away

"Easy there, Fido. theyll be under my protection." Raphael smirks before leading us into the Hotel, we arrive at the room we found SImon in after he was kidnapped, he points to a wall with a table and chairs in front of it and we look to see a the wall moving and a chain link fence being revealed.

Clary scowls "this is your idea of protection"

"It keeps you away from my people and my people away from you." He turns to Simon and nods his head "Give a shout when your hungry" Raphaels eyes flick over to me an Clary "Of course, you do have a pretty god snack here, no? Oh sill me," he goes on taunting "i forgot, you three are such great friends." he tilts his head to the side "or has that changed?"

"Lil bitch" I growl

Raphael turns t look at me "Aw, i thought we were friends... with benefits, luv."

"Get your head out of your ass" i say glaring a him

Raphael shakes his head with a laugh "your something, Hayley Herondale. I dont know what, but our definitly something."

As soon as Raphael leaves the room Simon grips the bars tightly in his hands his jaw clenched "you do not understand how this is." He turns to face us "I can hear your heartbeats. I can smell the blood in your veins. And i want it."

I leave Clary and Simon on one half of the room while i go and sit on the floor on the opposite side of the room. I plug my headphones in and start listening to my music.

After about 20 minutes Raphael walks into the room and types something into the keypad opening the gate and allowing us to leave "it appears the cavalry has arrived" he says, Clary walks up to me and pulls the headphones out of my ears and grabs my arm pulling me up. "You'll wanna use the back stairs." Raphael informs walking out the room.

Bound by Blood (Alec Lightwood)Where stories live. Discover now