Clint Barton to my Natasha Romanoff

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"What is this place? There's a lot of gear in here. What'd they do, rob a tech shop?" He asked looking around as we stopped in front of a computer.

"No that was me who robbed the tech shop remember... that was a good day i still cant believe I didn't get caught." I said with a smile as they rolled there eyes, people rolling there eyes at me is a regular occurance and so is people ignoring me which really pisses me of

"So this cold blooded killer is gonna help us?" Clary asked

"Techniquely he's protecting us by killing people." I told him

"Specifically you two. Its sort of our thing." Jace said with a look at Simon

"Actually its you and Clarys thing im saving myself for the hot one." I say with a smirk

"You're thing? Your two have a thing?" Simon asked shocked

"He means a shadowhunter thing. That's what they do protecting humans from demons." Clary told him

"I'm sure he meant a shadowhunter thing." I say earning a glare from all three of them

"Demons, right. That makes perfect sense cause there are demons running all around New York." Simon said sarcastically.

"That is the first correct thing you've said all day."

"Won't they find us?" Clary asked looking at the NYPD on the stairs near the front door

"No. Our wards will deter them, and the NYPD will do their typical Mundine thing for a few hours and then the area will be clear."

I turn my head bored by the conversation and see Alec and Izzy walking towards us, i blow Alec a kiss and wink at him, he looks down at the floor and ignores me so i turn and wave at Izzy instead.

"What is going on? Why is there a mundane in the Institute?" He asked Jace not looking in my direction rude i will just have to find a way to attract his attention

Jace sighs "A Circle member followed him to get to Clary and Hayley."

"A Circle rune just like the guys that took my mother, Alec." Clary told him

"What exactly is a Circle member and why are they trying to kill us?" Simon asked confused

"There not trying to kill you Simon there tryna get us two." I say Alec turned his head to look at me i just had to say something logical to get him to look at me... easy

"All we know is... a long time ago the Circle led a revolt. A lot of Shadowhunters got killed... including my father." Jace said his smile faultering

"OhMyGod all these movie quotes and you guys just pretend like there not there your killing me... that was the perfect literally the perfect opportunity to say a long time ago in a galaxy far far away but you didn't use." I say fake fainting and leaning into Alec chest i smirk up at him and he looks down at me.

"Do you take anything seriously." He says moving away from me, out the corner of my eye i see Izzy coughing to try and hide her laughter but it isn't working.

"And since the revolt we've been forbidden to ever hear about the Circle." Alec says completing Jaces sentence

"But how is that even possible? Its your history." Clary said

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