Ill Take it

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After our conversation with Raphael both Luke and Raphael gather there groups and we head to the City of Bones,, Luke and the werewolves follow us shadowhunters on the right while Simon, Raphael and the vampires walk on the left side of us.

"This does nt look like theCity of Bones." Clary says as we stop walking to look around

"This is the downworlders entrance." Jace tells her

"The City of Bones has a service entrance. Perfect." Clary smiles sarcastically

"I hope I have better luck here than i did the last time." Simon says and Jace turns to look at him "Just saying" he adds

"Everyone knows what to do?" Clary calls out, so the people at the back can here even though it was a rhetorical question

"Text when your in position." Jace adds as people start to move off in different directions

Raphael whistles as Luke starts to walk forward "Stay" he says and Luke furrows his eyebrows "good dog"

"Bite me" he rolls his eyes

"Roll over" Raphael retorts

"Play dead"

Simon laughs "Boom" says as he and Luke fist bump

Everyone starts to move off again until a werewolf bumps into Simon causing all the vampires to hiss and the werewolves to growl in return, Luke runs back to try an calm down the werewolves while Clary pushes into the middle of everybody

"Hey, enough! Enough!" She cries throwing her arms into the air "All our lives are at stake"

I snort "stake"

"Its time we put aside our differences and work together. Tonight we are all downworlders." She looks between the two groups "Luke?" He nods in response, "Raphael?" he also nods briefly nod now the two packs go there different ways without any interruptions.

"I guess I should expect people to hate me for who i a now." Simon attempts to lighten the mood with a halfhearted smile and shrug "Ill get used to it"

Clary grits her teeth "never get used to it. You hear me?"

Izzy raises her voice looking at Simon "Lets do this"

Izzy, Simon and Raphael walk off to there position leaving Clary, Jace and I make your way to where we are supposed to be stationed

"Come here" Jace tells Clary who moves her hair away from her back so that he can draw a rune on it, then Jace turns to me and i hold my right arm out for him so he can draw the sight rune on my forearm. With the rune see further into the distance so we will see when they bring Meliorn.

Alec leads a team of guards through the expanse, Meliorn was handcuffed and restrained by two guards

"Alec?" I whisper "what is he doing here?"confused

Jace looks toward where Clary is pointing and swears under his breath "Damn it, Lydia must have sent him"

Me and Clary turn to Jace confused "Lydia?"

"Alec's future wife, dont ask"

"What?" I whisper yell

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