Bitch Face

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"There you are." I say turning the corner to find Clary sitting on the stairs at the end of the hallway. "Are you okay?"

"I saw my mum." She answered still staring at the wall "Then Alec."

"I told her." Izzy said walking up behind me "and believe me, there have been many times where i wanted to kill Alec." Clary looks at her and sighs, Izzy goes to sit next her and i stand in front of them "Look i know my brother can be a real pain in the ass."

"Which is unfortunate because he has a great one." Izzy shook her head and Clary giggled

"Anyway, he means well." Izzy says "The necklace is dangerous."

"Ill take the risk on my own." Clary said

"That's the problem you're not on your own." Izzy stated

"Ive always got your back Clary, you're not on your own." I say smiling at her

"I just." Clary paused "I wish i knew what to do."

"I know what you mean ." I tell her

"Ill do anything to save her." She says looking up at me

"I get it." Izzy said smiling at Clary "You love her."

"More than anything." Clary states

Izzy sat up straighter "What's your mum like?"

"Fun." Clary says "the kind of person you always want to be around." She laughs "My friends always used to want to hang out at my house, just to hang out with her."

Izzy laughed "Sounds more like a friend than a mum."

"She was both." Clary said looking down at the floor

"She basically sacrificed her life for me." Clary said "And im willing to do the same for her."

Izzy looked at CLary "Just because you cant have the necklace, doesn't mean you wont see her again." There was silence for a second "Walk with me?" Izzy said grabbing me and Clarys and hands "Tell me everything about her."

We walked to the entrance of the Institute and stopped at the front door. "So, Alec blew right by you and did what he wanted, I'd be angry too." Izzy announced

"He took the only way i had to see my mother." Clary said pressing the button to open the doors "Plus, he kept asking what Valentines room looked like."

"He was interested in Valentines style?" Izzy said in a teasing tone "Fascinating."

"No." Clary cut in "He thought i might have seen something that could help us find him."

"And did you?" I asked

Clary shook her head "I didn't see anything there but... i think i might know another way."

Suddenly the door started to shine purple and a middle aged woman stepped through "Isabelle." She said as the door closed behind her, the woman had the same hair as Izzy but it was pulled into a tight ponytail "dressed to impress, i see." Izzy immediately looked down. The woman walked up to us "And you've been playing with the family heirlooms." Bitch I think to myself

"I think you'll find Mags gave her the necklace." I sass the chick glares at me but doesn't say anything

"Hi, im Clary Fray." She says smiling

"Clary Fairchild." she corrected "You look just like your mother and you..." The woman said "Look just like your father." She said disgusted fuck this bitch

"Okay, i dont know who died and made you Queen and to be honest i dont give two shits, but you dont get to talk about my father like that Bitch."

"I suggest you stop talking." She said clenching her jaw

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