What the Hell is Going on

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*Out Loud by Gabbie Hanna (TheGabbieShow) Ive been listening to this on repeat its freaking amazing*

I gasp as i feel myself jolted into a different body, it feels weird i decide its like im living a couple of seconds behind reality everything is so much more peaceful than the other world. I sit up straight and look around at my surrounding for a couple of seconds before i realise where i am, i woke up in the park across from my apartment.

As i slowly stand up I realise the longer im i this world the more normal I start to feel, my movements feel easier and my thoughts aren't as jumbled. That's when i remember, im supposed to be going to Clarys apartment, shoot, I completely forgot. I wonder how Clary is coping with everything so far.

I start to jog through the park trying to find the footpath, when i find it i continue jogging down the street not wanting to leave Clary for to much longer as i have no idea what situation she awoke to find herself in the middle of.

I start to run as i see Clarys flat come into view, as i approach i see that she is already standing out the front of the house, i wave when i see her looking in my direction i see her visibly relax when she realises its me

"Are you okay?" I ask as i reach where shes standing and pull her into a hug

"Fine, fine just a bit shocked is all" she sighs "Valentine isn't evil in this world, he is nice and like a normal father and it really freeing me out." She pauses for a second before continuing "why have you got leaves all in your hair?"

"I woke up in the park for some reason." I shrug "Valentine must be normal because the demons are in hiding and he cant control them, oh and there's no shadowhunters."

"Good point. Anyway we are going to Java Jones."


"Clary" Simon calls as we all up to Java Jones , he waves his hands to get our attention. We make our way over to the coffee van. "Who's this?" he asks as we reach them

Clary turns to me and starts to stutter "I'm Hayley, Clarys friends I've been outta town for a while" I answer for her before turn to give her my, what the hell is going on right know face.

"Okay, well nice to meet you, im Simon and this is Isabelle, Alec an Jace." He introduces me before turning to look at Clary "i know that look, Caffeine deprivation." He grabs Clarys arm and pulls her toward a spare seat while i follow them still thoroughly confused at what is going on.

"Um" i interrupt "we don't really have time for coffee were kinda busy" i try to protest but he insists we have one cup and i know its not much use arguing further.

I turn to the table ad see Alec and Isabelle staring at me blankly

"Hi im Isabelle, nice to meet you." She says extending her had to me, i take it and smile at her trying not to laugh at the fact that in this dimension Izzy is nerdy.

"Hayley" i tell her "nice to meet you to"

I turn to face the other lightwood "Alec" he says grumpily. Apparently a dimension change doesn't mean an attitude change.

"Pleasure" i say flashing him a smile

Isabelle's eyes find the necklace that Clary is wearing "is that new?"

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