Emotionless G.I Joe

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Clarys breath was trembling as she ran back down the hallway. "Clary... Clary, look will you just calm down?"

"Calm down? Really calm down?" Clary asked him

"Okay Jace you might be some kind of emotionless G.I Joe, but..." I started to say

"What is a G.I Joe?" Jace asked turning to face me

"A soldier who doesn't understand human emotions, who doesn't know what it is like to loose someone, to lose your own Mother... and Clary has been through a lot in the last 24 hours she just needs time to process." I tell him

"Your right, i never knew my mother."

"Sorry" me and Clary say at the same time

"I didn't know." I tell him giving him a small smile

"That's precisely my point. You don't know anything about this, you don't know anything about me, you don't know about my life. But in the Shadow World, no training and no plan gets you killed."

"Okay so we know that Valentine is back and he wants the Cup, and for some reason he thinks my mother has it." Clary says with a sigh

"Could she? Have the Cup?" He asks

"I don't know."

"Look, Clary you know about runes, you've drawn them, you... you know something. Think please."

"Ive tried Jace, okay? Its just an empty blackness" Clary tells him

Jace sighs "your memories been wiped."

"That's not possible is it?" Clary asked him

"Absolutely... if you know a warlock."

"A warlock?" Clary says

"Yeah a warlock, Clary. Immortal beings they're half demon, half human, sometime there fingers spark."

"Dot." I tell them "She lived in the antique store below Jocelyns apartment, shes the one that opened the portal and gave Jocelyn the potion... we just have to find her."

"Wait so your saying if we find the real Dot she could help us find the Cup and get my mum back?" Clary asked us

"Yes" me and Jace said at the same time

"Unless shes working for Valentine." Clary adds

"She's not working for Valentine trust me." I tell her

Jace walked away saying he had to go find Alec, Izzy came over to us and took us to her bedroom so we could get changed into some other clothes.

"Where's Simon?" Clary asked Izzy. After she walked out of the bathroom in a clear pair of clothes. "Is this the least revealing thing you have?" She asked the Lightwood

Izzy chuckled "What? All the naughty bits are covered, a little to much in my opinion." She said turning to look at me "Now your turn." She said throwing me some clothes

"Clary you look hot." I say turning and walking into the bathroom.

"Where's Simon a hear Clary ask Izzy through the door

""Who?" Izzy asks before laughing "Kidding he's in good hands with the boys."

"What do you think." I say walking back into the bedroom

" I say walking back into the bedroom

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