The More the Merrier

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"...but why would Valentine tell a prisoner what he was planning to do?"

I smile at Jace as I walk back into the Jade Wolf, despite how annoying he is i am glad to see that he is feelin better, i take a seat next to Clary and listen into the conversation they are having

"He didn't. But he gave me a way to learn all about his plans." Michael replies quickly, to quickly i think narrowing my eyes slightly still suspicious

"How do you mean?" Jace questions looking at his father

"He injected me with downworlder blood. Th pain was excruciating, sometimes i was sick for days, but its not often you got a shadowhunter to experiment on so i guess thats why he always stopped short of killing me." Michael looks down at the table "but little by little i developed enhanced hearing and vision"

"That's convenient" I murmur low enough that he can't hear but Luke can

Michael goes on to explain how he 'overheard' Valentine talking about planning to attack the New York Institute and setup a base at Renwick's

"Who's Renwick"

"Its not a 'who'" Luke tells Clary "its a where deserted smallpox hospital along the East River."

"Right under our noses" Clary sighs

"And we cant track over water, which is just fucking great." I sigh

"He left me to die in that cage." Michael says i dont know why he felt the need to tel us but he did

"Valentine never wasted time on compassion" Luke replies

"He wont get away from me when the time comes." Jace promises about to rise from his seat

"Before it does you need a strategy." Michael tells him placing his hand on his sons arm "waiting a day could mean the difference between failure and success."

Jace pauses "Okay, Clary, Hayley and I will scout Renwicks tonight."

"Jace dont." Colds blocking his way out "your runes are still weak. Luke will go with Hayley and I. Just take this extra time to rest."

"Ill be fine Clary." Jace assures but she doesnt move

"Jace please." He stands there for a couple of seconds before giving in and sitting back down

"I dont know bout you guys but im thinkin the more the merrier, shouldn't we call Izzy or Alec. You know cause i dont want to be killed by a swarm of demons." I announce

"Are you scared" Clary teases as the rest of them just shake there heads at my statement

"No!" I argue before standing up and walking out the door without checking they were following me


On the first night we scouted Renwicks there was a fuck ton of demons so we decided to head back to the Jade Wolf and go again the next night when there were more of us.

The second we tried to open the front door at Renwicks the next night we were immediately swarmed by a wave demons, i assumed the prick Valentine put them there which must mean something is hidden inside, while Luke, Michael and Jace are fighting off the demons me and Clary sneak inside the building.

It took a while to convince Luke that we would be alright on our own and the winning argument was that Clary had the Mortal Cup so we could control demons. We cautiously search the building looking from room to room in the hope of finding Jocelyn or Valentine.

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