Dont Talk to me Captain America

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I lay on my bed staring up at the ceiling thinking over everything that has happened over the last couple of days when i hear a knock on the door and see Izzy walk in

"Sorry to interrupt but we have a problem. The mundies leaving." Izzy said

"What!" I yell "Why."

"You should probably go talk to him." She says as i jump out of the bed

"Clary is already after him." She calls as i jog out of the door.

I jog towards the front doors of the Institute to find Simon and Clary talking to each other.

"Yes you can its..." I hear Simon says as i near them "Its not safe here." He says as Jace walks out of the elevator.

"In fact this is probably the safest place she could possibly be." Jace said as i stopped next to Simon and Clary

"You don't get to talk to me Captain America." He says

"That's really not offensive Simon, Captain Americas hot." I tell him and he glares daggers at me.

"Considering im the guy with the weapons, i get to say what i want." Jace said with his arms crossed

"Okay come at me bro!" Simon said

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah!" Simon said and i grabbed his arm before he could get into a fight he wouldn't win

"Hey, whats your problem?" I ask him

"He's my problem!" Simon yelled pointing to Blondy "He's just like Kirk Duplesse from High School. Do you remember him? Total jerk with the square jaw, smelled like body spray, always bullying people, why don't you do your own homework? Just once yeah? You dated him remember." He said looking at me, he takes a deep breath to calm himself down "I can take care of myself." He starts to walk off.

"I'm not saving his ass a second time..." Jace told us

"Shut up Jace no one cares." I say as i try to catch up with Simon

"Simon! Hey... Simon..." Clary says running to catch up to him


"You were kidnapped by vampires okay? You of all people should know how dangerous it is out there" Clary told him

"Ill be fine." He tries to leave again but i step in front of him

"Hey your not the only one who's in danger, All right? If you go home now, you're putting your mother and your sister and even Maureen at risk, think about the." I told him

"I am thinking about them." Simon told me

"Are you?" Clary asks

"Yeah because if everything you've said about the Shadow World's true, they're already in danger and i need to be home to protect them."

"He's got a point." I say stepping to the side to let him past "Its up to him where he goes we cant force him to stay here."

"Come with me we can crash at my place, we can figure all this out."

"You have no idea how much i want to go back to the way things were, to be with you and my mum and..."Clary told him

"Girls, We've had each other's backs our whole lives, we've never needed anyone." He sighs "Let me help you, we don't." Simon says looking at Jace "We dont need these people."

"Simon... i dont know how to explain this, okay? But i think... i think these are our people." Clary told him he looks at me

"I promised Jocelyn and my mum i would protect Clary." I tell him "I go where she goes."

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