All I wanted was McDonalds

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After I left Clary near the Institute entrance I walked down the steps and let the midday sun warm my cool skin, stood like that for a while before walking the rest of the way down the path and out the front gate of the Institute. I put my headphones in and let myself get in the music as i continued down the road on the way to maccas, when i finally arrived i realised that I didn't have any money so I walked the 5 minutes to Clarys apartment to grab some from her place.

"Owwww" I groaned as i rounded the corner and ran into Simon i looked up from my place on the ground "what are you doing here Simon" I say as he holds out his hand to help me up.

"I should be asking you that." Clarys says jumping over the wall closely followed by Alec "weren't you going to McDonalds."

"I was but I didn't have any money so i came to grab some." I brush the dirt of my clothes "whatta you lot doin."

"My mum used to keep a box of stuff under the floorboards could be helpful." Clary answers "Come on" she says and keeps walking towards her apartment. When we get to the fire escape Simon goes first followed by me Clary and then Alec.

"Have you been doing parkour or something?" Clary asks making Simon laugh " You've gotten better at this."

"Climbing a fire escape excites mundanes." Alec says in his usual cheery tone "ill never understand these people."

As we reach the top of the i hear Clary "whoa" she says breathlessly " I don't remember it like this."

"Me neither" i say looking a he runes covering the brick wall

"These are runes and wards of protection cast by a warlock." Everyone turns to look at Alec

"Dot" Clarys frowns remembering what happened, she turns and looks away from the wall before moving closer to inspect the shapes closer.

"Some of these have been here for years." Alec informs us scanning the wall

"The only difference is now we can see them" I say tracing the shapes lightly with my fingertips

"What are all these tags." Simon asks having missed our whole conversation,I look at him surprised

"You can see the runes?"I ask looking over to Alec who looks just as surprised

"Yeah" Simon says "There kind of hard to miss"

"For a shadowhunter." Alec says still looking surprised "they should be invisible t most mundanes. When did you get the sight?" He asks

Simon chuckled "I dont know. But whoever drew these should take some lessons from Clary, their, uh, work is pretty sloppy." He says making Clary laugh.

I shook my head and Clary turned around to start looking at the wall again, Clarys hand stopped and i saw the pink heart with an arrow through it, the letters SL+CF were in the middle

"This is from when Simon and i were in engaged to be married." Clary says to no one in particular

"You were engaged?" Alec asks winding his arm round my waist and tugging me towards him "I'm almos certain i dont want to hear this story.."

Clary cut him off "we were eight years old "she turns to look at me that was a whole other world ago." I smile at her and Walked over to open the door shit i thought.

"I dont have a key." I turned around to look a them.

"Here let me try" Simon walked over and grabbed the handle, he pulled but instead of turning the handle he broke the door off of it hinges

I dint know you were strong Simon" i say walking past him and through the door

"Holy crap Clary who torched your loft?" Simon asks as we make it to Clarys room, no one replied "yes i can see this too"

"There's nothing left of me here" Clary says sadly, i put my arm around her shoulder to comfort her.

"Of course here isn't." Alec says walking into the room "you're mother was trying to at trace that you existed, so that you couldn't be tracked." Clary stood up and took a deep breath "She was protecting you Alec finishes." The floor creaks slightly and Clary bends down to lift up the floorboards.

Clary slid her hand into the gap and after a few seconds pulled out the box that belonged to her mother. "Yeah" Clarys says tracing the letters JC on the top of the box . "She used to wait till she thought was asleep and take it out." She says not looking up from the box.

"Well lets open it." Simon suggests and Clary nods her head

She opens the box and looks inside "I dont know what any of this" she admits

We all look around when we her the sound of something breaking outside, Alec grabbed my arm and turned me around to look at him. "There's someone here." He lets go and walks to the bedroom door, he turned around again before he left "Get what you need. Do not move until i get back, we've been here to long." He left the room as Clary put the box in her bag.

I got up and walked into the hallway when i felt a hand cover my mouth, shit, hopefully my self defence class will pay off, I grabbed the guys other arm and twisted he grunted in pain and let go of my mouth "SWimon, Clary RUN." I yelled t man grabbed me by throat and slammed me into the wall, i felt pain spread ver me and i started to see stars the longer he held me, i brought my knee up a hit him as hard as i could where the sun dont shine, he doubled over in pain and i took it as my chance to run as I rounded the corner into the kitchen another guy grabbed my arm and pushed me into the wall.

The last thing i heard before i fell unconscious was "nice try sweetheart"

All I fucking wanted was McDonalds


Salve lovelies I know its been a while please don't kill me, I've been so busy lately but i have the rest of the week to write now

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Salve lovelies I know its been a while please don't kill me, I've been so busy lately but i have the rest of the week to write now.

My next chapters will hopefully be longer

Luv ya xx

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