I want my property Back

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"What's up?" I ask Clary as i answer my phone

"Hayley its Simon,you have to get here know" I jump out of bed as quick as i can and head out the bedroom door "where are you?"

When I arrived Simon was lying on a table in the centre of the room, Clary had tears streaming down her face, and she kept on blaming herself. I jogged to where she was sitting and put my arm around her shoulder, she hugged me tighter her tears soaking my dry t-shirt.

"What happened?" I asked her

"S-Simon turning into a v-vampire" she hiccuped as she spoke

"Hey, its okay, we'll figure out a way to help him" I say softly

While i was comforting Clary, Raphael told us that Simon could be resurrected if we bury him, or we could stake him in the heart. "We need to tell his mum." Clary mumbled into my shirt, I nodded my head and pulled her to her feet.


We were sitting in the living room at Simons house, Jace decided to tag along for moral support or something, he was using a glamour so Elaine couldn't see him.

"I haven't heard anything from Simon since yesterday . And he flipped out on Rebecca and I. And then he just disappeared." She told us putting some drinks on the table "Have you heard from him? Or have you seen him? Should i be calling the police?"

"N-no! No, dont do that." Clary said, wiping her tears away, Jace looked at her with concern.

After we explained to Simons mum that everything was okay with him we went up to his room to grab some of his belongings, Clary couldn't stop crying the whole time Jace tried to comfort he but nothing was helping her.

We went to the Jade Wolf restaurant to find Luke, when we arrived he told us that they had been attacked by a forsaken but everyone was okay, the body was taken back to the Institute while Clary was talking to Luke about something to do with Simon, to be honest i have no idea what they were talking about i was just siting there by myself waiting for Clary to be ready to go back to Simon


We arrived at the cemetery just after the sun had set, Jace was carrying Simon as we followed Raphael, he led s to an empty spot on the ground where a hole was already dug for his body, Clary looked like she was about to cry again but she bit her lip so she wouldn't.

"I want my property back" a voice behind us said, we all spun around to see Camille standing in the middle of the cemetery with a gang of other vampires with her.

"Simons not your property!" Clary told her bravely

"I'm glad you brought everyone here to witness your demise. Now, I have all the proof. Shes been breaking the Accords for too long now. He's the evidence we need to show the Clave what Camille has been doing." Raphael smirked, taking a step forward and looking at the other vamps.

"Don't listen to him." She starts to sound nervous "if we just get rid of the body, this mundane means noting." She continued

"Means nothing?" I say cocking my head to the side, while walking towards her and punching her in the face, two broken noses in two days i think to myself smirking

"Over my dead body." Clay says grinning at me

"Get her" Raphael yells and the vamps surround Camille, knocking her unconscious before carry her away to the Hotel DuMort I assume.

"Its time." Raphael announces once the other vamps are gone, I look over to Clary, she was taking breaths trying to calm down while looking between the wooden stake in Raphael right hand and the shovel in his left.

"I don't know what to do Hayley." Clary sniffed looking over at me

"What is your heart telling you to do?" I ask her giving her a small smile

"I want to save him, but what if he hates me for it ." She says her bottom lip trembling

"Then grab the shovel if hates us for turning him into a vampire ill tell him it was my decision. Hell get over it eventually and at least he will be alive, well kind of." I say looking at her

"Are you sure? I cant make you do this."

"I'm 100  certain" i tell her nodding my head, Clary turns and reaches for the shovel and begins shovelling the dirt to cover Simons body.

We've been sitting down waiting for over an hour know and still nothing has happened, Clary and Jace are sitting a couple meters away from me talking quietly, while Raphael has just returned from wherever he was getting blood bags saying that he would be waking up soon.

" We are sorry Simon"  Clary says second before before the ground starts to shake and the earth where we buried Simon starts to move as he starts to rise out of the dirt. Raphael chucks two blood bags at Simon and we arch as he quickly drains all the lord from both of the bags.

"C-Clary?... Hayley?... am i becoming a vampire?" He asks, already knowing the answer to the question.

"Yes Simon" i tell him anyway ad his eyes widen even more than they already where. He keeps rambling on about how he is a monster, i tried to calm him down but it didn't work.

"Simon, please..." Clary started

"No! Don't!" Simon yelled "l-leave me alone!" He said before running away from us and disappearing into the trees of the cemetery.

"Ill look after Simon" Raphael said before running of after Simon leaving us alone, the three of us sat silently for a while before getting up off the ground and heading in the direction that Simon and Raphael ran


Hey lovelies sorry about the late update I have been really sick for the last couple of days and I completely forgot to post my new chapter

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Hey lovelies sorry about the late update I have been really sick for the last couple of days and I completely forgot to post my new chapter

Hope you enjoyed this chapter

Luv ya xx

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