Wish I Could Say the Pleasure was Returned

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When we arrive back at the Institute the others go off somewhere, to the Infirmary i think, while i go to Izzy's room to catch up with her

"So you were, put on trial. And Alec let it happened? Your parents let it happen?" I question taking a seat on Izzy's bed

"It was a tough situation. They couldn't really do anything. But yeah, i was put on trial." Izzy shrugs

"Lets talk about something lighter" I suggest "how are you and Simon?"

"Me and Simon aren't anything, I haven't seen him since he you know, changed." She says, a slight frown on her face. We continue to talk for a while longer before i decide i should probably get some rest.


On the way ack to my room a voice I was not expecting stops me

"Um, Hayley, hey" i spin around to see Alec walking towards me.

"What do you want Alec?" I sigh not wanting to deal with him right know

"I guess you head about-" he starts before stopping, I assume he is talking about his marriage to Lydia so i nod my head before turning around again to walk off but his voice stops me, again.

"Um, are you gonna, uh come?" He
says standing awkwardly his hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"Look Alec, i cant deal with this right know, ive had a rough day and the last thing i want to deal with is the guy I like marrying another girl." I say calmly turning around and storming off before i start to cry.

When i make it to my room i pull on an oversized jumper, curl up in the warm sheets of my bed and cry myself to sleep.


The next morning i am awoken by Clary knocking on my door, clueless to what happened the night before

"What?" i call out

"Magnus is here to help wake my mum up if you want to help"

"Ill meet you there in a couple of minutes" i call back


I jump out of bed and walk into the bathroom to look at myself my hair is matted from sleep and my eyes are slightly puffy but other than that i look normal. I chuck my hair up in a messy bun before meeting Clary and the others downstairs.

As i near the centre i hear voices "we invited you here Magnus because Hodge cant leave the Institute and he's an important part of this mission." Jace informs him as i enter the room and go over to sit on the empty chair between Magnus and Clary giving them both a smile.

"Well then, where is our tardy little Tudor? Id like to make this quick ." He says

"Pardon the delay, Magnus." Hodge stats sarcastically "i was following up on a lead. Now, we've narrowed down a list of warlocks to these three." Hodge points to a screen behind him

"Why is Ragnor Fell up there? He's not more powerful than i am." Magnus interrupts, pointing his finger accusingly at the screen

"Its okay Mags you can have a cry if you want to" i say patting his shoulder as he glares at me

"Well, some would disagree. He is older than you," Hodge points out

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