What the Hell is Going on - Part 3

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* thank you so much to everyone for supporting this book, we made it to 1 freaking k*

We arrived at the party late next needless to say Izzy was freaking out, me and CLary both tried to calm her down but nothing worked until we were in the building. I stood with Jace and Clary for a while but was majorly third wheeling so i decided to wander around the party while i awaited the arrival of Magnus

I start to head back toward where Clary and Jace were standing only to see that Magnus has arrived and is pulling Clary towards me "Come on, lets go" Mags says grabbing my other arm and leading us to wherever the hell we are supposed to go

"Who are you?" Clary asks wide-eyed staring between me and Magnus

Magnus furrows his eyebrows "Clary, its Magnus and Hayley"

"Fucking hell" I curse "shes lost her anchor"

"Do i know you?" Clary continues to ask trying to tug her wrist free of Magnus' hold

"Focus" I tell her

"Okay, seriously let go of me." She stats to panic still trying to get her arm out of his grip, Magnus does something with his magic to make a grey ff of smoke "what is wrong with you?"

Magnus sighs before making the smoke turn into a bunch of weird circle symbols "What are you doing" i ask him but he just holds a finger up telling me to be patient . Clary starts t blink slowly before finally snapping back to reality "That was close" she states

"No shit" i sigh releasing a breath i didn't know i was holding

Magnus just laughs smiling at Clary "Good job, Clary"

"All right lets go" Clary says probably eager to get out of here after what just happened, as inconspicuously as possible we make our way towards the basement

"What are we even looking for?" Clary asks as we start to look around

"ill know it when i see it" Magnus replies staring at the blank wall in front of him

"Well you have fun watching paint dry" i say sarcastically "ill continue looking around"

"What if this doesnt work?" Clary walks over towards Magnus and grabs his arm

"It will biscuit. I can feel it" He assures

A sound comes from the stairs we just walked down and we all look up to see jace standing there, Clary quickly removes her hand from Magnus' arm

Jace stares blankly at his girlfriend as he descends the stairs "You know, if you were having second thoughts bout s you could've use told me instead of coming down here and hooking up with some random guy."

"Jace, this isn't exactly a good time." Clary says blandly, good excuse clary i think to myself rolling my eyes.

"Really? You know when would be a good time for me, Clary? Never. Never call me again." Jace spins around and starts to walk back up the stairs

"Wait" i call out, shit what do i say know "Umm, he's my boyfriend, i was just making sure Clary agreed." Crap crap crap i think to myself grabbing Mags arm that was so not believable. Jace turns and continues walking away and Clary being Clary runs to catch up with him.

A ravener demon jumps down right in front of him appearing from God knows where, he lets out a scream as Clary kicks it into the nearest shelves "What the hell is that thing?!"

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