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The five of us walked into an abandoned warehouse with our weapons ready. "Magnus' lair is right behind there." Jace said pointing.

"Magnus lives in a warehouse?" Clary asked

"Warlock glamour." I tell her

"Something's wrong its far to easy to get this close." Izzy says raining her hand

"His protective wards must be down." Jace predicted

"You." Alec says looking at Clary "Don't get in the way." He glares at her and she glares back.

We hear noises to our right and turn our heads to look a circle member is fighting a warlock and a little girl is standing to the side. "Oh, God! Valentine found Magnus." Clary says

I run over to the little girl as CLary runs up to the circle member and kills him, "daddy, daddy get up please." A man with a Seraph blade walks towards the girl but i kill him before he can reach her, i crouch in front of the girl.

"What's your name?" I ask her

"Zoe." She says sniffling

"That's a pretty name, it suits you... im Hayley." I tell her i pull her into a hug and lift her up "I wont let anything happen to you i promise."

"Hey." Izzy came running over to us "Stay close, its safest if we stay together."

"Now, lets get you to Magnus." I say

I walk slightly behind the others until we reach a door, we open it and see Magnus and some other warlock in the room.

"Magnus." I say putting the girl down and she runs over to Magnus and hugs him

"Go join the others my dear, this is no place for a little girl." The girl began to walk towards the others but looked back at Magnus halfway "Go"

"I heard what you did for Zoe." He tells Clary

"That's okay." Clary says

"Excuse me im right here as well." I tell him

"I know." Magnus says looking at me "I already knew you would save a warlock." He smiles at me and i smile back

He turns back to Clary "you risked your life without hesitation to save a young warlock child."

"She was just a little girl and she was in trouble, i had no choice." Clary says

"You always have a choice." Magnus explained "Your not like the others CLary Fairchild nor are you Hayley, most shadowhunters protect downworlders out of a sense of duty, but you saved young Zoey because of what was inside your heart." Magnus turns to look at CLary "you're more like your mother than you'll ever know."

"Magnus please, you cant hide from this battle." Clary told the Mags, "Valentine found you once he will find you again." Mags rolled his eyes "We need to work together, help me."

"I can summon a demon but you will have to make the demand." Mags paused for effect "Now, i warn you, retrieving your memories will not be easy."

"It hasn't been easy so far." Clary admits

"All right." Mags says "Were not safe here, the lairs location has been compromised." He explains "Hold tight everyone were about to move." He says

"Ah. Much better." He said our new location was his apartment overlooking the Brooklyn Bridge. "Ugh, its inevitable, after each move i get the itch to redecorate." He inform us "Normally, i love a dirty lair but this one is just sloppy." Mags smirks looking at Alec who just looks confused

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