Do you want a fucking Medal

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I groaned as I opened my eyes to see the sun shining through the windows of the car, I blinked a few times letting my eyes adjust my head was still pounding as I sat up straight and looked around, the car was pulling up to a Chinese restaurant and through the window i could see Clarys red hair.

The driver got out of the car and walked around to my door "cooperate and everything will be fine" he said grabbing my arm and dragging me out of the car

When my feet touched the pavement I stumbled slightly my head still spinning from my earlier shall we say...encounter "Hey!!" I exclaimed as the guy grabbed my arm and continued dragging me towards the entrance of the restaurant

"Shut up" he said in a deep voice, i rolled my eyes but listened to him I didn't want to get in even more trouble "I got her" the uh announced as we walked through the doorway

I couldn't keep quiet anymore, me ad my big mouth "Congratulations" I said "do you want a fucking medal." He growled at me before turning to the group of people

"If i have to be with her one more second i am going to snap her neck" he growled to the others before turning to walk away

"Calm down" I told him he spun back around to look at me "I mean no harm"

He clenched his jaw "you mean apart from when you kneed me in the area" I smirked, I didn't realise it was the same guy

"It was self defence, you could have been a murderer for all i knew" i say still smiling "how are they by the way, still a bit sore"

He growled before lunging at me and knocking us both to the ground, we landed with a thud before he grabbed my throat, without think i lifted my hand up and punched him in the nose i smiled satisfied when i heard a crunch, the guy yelled out before the other people dragged him of my. I laced on the ground for a while catching my breath.

"That's enough" an unknown voice yelled pulling me up and putting handcuffs around my wrists when i looked up i was surprised to see Alaric standing there. He led me over to where Simon and Clary were sitting.

Clary looked at me with wide eyes "are you okay?" Her voiced sound panicked, i nodded at both of them "You idiot" she mumbled under her breath

"Hey, i heard that" i told her "good" she replied

"Lets continue on from where we were before we got interrupted" a guy with brown hair said "You just need to tell us where the Mortal Cup is."

"We cant help you. I'm sorry" Clary said "now will you please let us go?"

The brown haired guy grabbed a fork and stabbed into the table centimetres from Clarys hand "playtimes over"

"I think we all just need to take a deep breath." I say

"Shut up" he says to me "your no help" I try to raise my hands in surrender but it doesn't really wok with the handcuffs.

"Theo just let me talk some sense into them." Alaric said

"No, we did it your way." Theo said looking at Alaric "Now, we're gonna try it my way."

"What" Simon yelps as two guys come up to or booth and grab him by the shoulders pulling him to his feet "Hey, hey..."

"Hey dont touch him"
"Let him go" me and Clary yell at the same time

"Don't move" Theo commanded "Tell us where the cup is or your funny friend dies." Simon started struggle in the guys grip but it was no use. When no one said anything Theo started to smile "That's to bad. Get rid of him"

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