Meeting the Twins

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I woke up in my comfy bed. tired af... I really miss Logey and Jakey.... suddenly my phone rang. as if he heard me, Jakey calles,

^Hey what's up sis!^  my happy, energetic brother said happily through the phone.
^Nothing Jake How about you?^ I said tiredly
^i was just wondering if you sis, would like to be a member of team 10?^

^what, youre kidding Jake.^ ^no sis! both me and Logan miss our sister down here in  LA.. so will you? please say yes!!^ he was actually desperat. ^ofcourse ill meet you tommorow bye!^ ^goodbye sis!^

Hi! im Angel Paul. And now it looks like im going to join my brother in team 10! With my crush, Emilio Martinez.
How can you not like him and his brother Ivan, I mean look at them!

How can you not like him and his brother Ivan, I mean look at them!Emilio:

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They are sooooooo hot!The next dayI just came off the plane, I'm sooooo exited!!! (also really tired) ^Angel!^ I turned around, there he was

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They are sooooooo hot!
The next day
I just came off the plane, I'm sooooo exited!!! (also really tired) ^Angel!^ I turned around, there he was. my older brother ^Jake!^ I ran straight into Jakes armes. ^I missed you little sis^ ^i mised you to big bro^ we got in the car ^Btw we are going to Logans house, he wanted to meet you again^ I nodded ^yay!! Logan!!^
At Logan's house
I rang the doorbell ^Angel!^ Logan shouted, Logan huged me. ^I missed you so much^ ^I missed you to Logan^ we went in to chat.
30 minutes later

^I think its time to leave^ I nodded. I hugged Logan one last time before walking to the car.
When we came to the team 10 house
^Come meet my little sis everyone!^ down the stairs came the boy i have a huge crush. ^Hola, me llamo Emilio y Ivan^ Then Jake said ^ I dont think she knows spanish^ ^Hola, me llamo Angel^ ^Tu hablo español?^ ^me hablo un poco español^ ^thats cool^ Ivan said
Emilio pov
This girl is amazing, she is beautiful. And its kinda cute that she knows a little Spanish. I think i like her.
So how was part 1?
The book gets better!

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