The dress!! And suit!

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Jake pov
All of us in team 10 have a plan. We are going shopping for wedding outfits. ^Everyone remember who they are going with? or should i say it again?^ ^Say it again^ Tessa said ^ok, those that are going with Angel is: Logan, Tessa and Alissa, and with Emilio is: Me, Ivan and the Dobre twins!^ everyone nodded. ^ok i will go up and wake the lovebirds!^ i walked up the stairs and when i came in i saw them cuddling. ^Heyyyy! we are going shopping!^ Angel came up.
10 min later
Emilio and Angel came down holding hand ^Ok so those with Emilio are going on another mall then Angel. and tonight we will meet at a restaurant to eat!^
Angel pov
yay! im so exited to go shopping! we all went in the car. Me and Emilio was holding hands the whole ride. ^ok Lovebirds, say bye!^ i kissed Emilio one last time before going out off the car. I had the girls with me, and of course Logan wanted to come. i swear he is like my father. But thats nice becouse our father is... dead. so Logan will follow me down the aisle. ^You exited to find a dress?^ ^hell yeah!^ ^but remember since it family tradition Emilio cant see the dress. And you cant see the suit. And 24 hours before the wedding you cant see ecother^ ^i know Logan, I know^ suddenly Alissa screamed ^here we are!^ i smiled and we went to the reception. ^hello, do you whant to find a dress?^ ^yes^ ^ok follow me^ i meet this lady, her name is Megan. Megan was going to help me ^So who is joining you?^ ^My two Bffs Tessa and Alissa. and my brother Logan^ i said as i pointed at them when i said their names. ^Ok Angel follow me^ i nodded and walked with her^
Emilio pov
Right now i are trying suits i think she will like.First i tryed this:

First i tryed this:

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^nah^ jake said. Then i tryed this:

 Then i tryed this:

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3. Hours later
^i think maybe this one^ I said before i walked out. ^yes! This is the winner!^

*Just imagine Emilio Martinez in this!*3 hours laterAngel povI walked out ^wow!^ ^I love it!^ i really love it to, but i need Logan to like it

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*Just imagine Emilio Martinez in this!*
3 hours later
Angel pov
I walked out ^wow!^ ^I love it!^ i really love it to, but i need Logan to like it. ^Logan?^ he smiled ^I think this is the one!^ This is the final dress:

1 hour laterWe went to the restaurant, when i suddenly feel someone grabbing my waist

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1 hour later
We went to the restaurant, when i suddenly feel someone grabbing my waist. I turn around and find Emilio behind me. ^hey babe^ i smiled ^Hey, but dont scare me like that^ he laughed. He took my hand and we walked in.
After the restaurant
Now were almost home and I'm tired! When we got home I pretend sleept so Emilio had to carry me. But i actually fell asleep in his arms. I'm so freaking exited!

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