Guess who came?

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Angel pov
Today i woke up really happy, becouse in two days I'm married!!! But me and Emilio have to be separated for the whole next day!! ^Morning Emi^ i said and kissed him on the cheek. ^Morning Angel^ Then we heard a little bark ^Hey Lady^ I said and picked her up. ^two more day^ Emilio said, i smiled ^Two more days^ i said, ^Im hungry, are you Angel?^ ^Yeah, but I'm just going to take a shower first^ ^ok, I'll make us some breakfast.^ i smiled and walked into the bathroom
Emilio pov
Before i started on breakfast i took Lady outside so she could to her stuff. I decided to make pancakes because
she love those.
Angel pov *After shower*
I walked downstairs and saw Emilio finishing up breakfast. ^Angel!^ i moved my head from Emilio to the voice and it was Logan! ^Logan!^ I said and jumped into his armes, ^Why are you here?^ ^Jake didn't tell you? you're staying with me tomorrow^ i smiled ^ok!^ I walked to the kitchen, ^Breakfast is ready^ i took my plate and sat on the counter, Emilio sat right beside me. ^Where are you staying tomorrow Angel?^ ^I staying with Logan, are you staying here?^ ^Yeah^ Jake came in ^Morning Jake!^ ^Morning Angel, just so you know You and I are staying with Logan for the whole next day!^ i smiled and continued eating. Suddenly we heard a knock, ^I can go and open^ Jake said. ^Angel!!^ ^Yeah!?^ ^Come here!^ I came to the front door and saw ^Mom!!!^ and jumped into her armes, ^Why are you her?^ ^Your wedding offcourse! But where is this boy your marrying, he must be a good guy since your brothers approved him^ ^Emilio!^ i said ^si?^ ^Mi madre quiere conocerte!^ ^Hi miss.Paul, I'm Emilio Martinez, or soon to be Paul^ Then out of nowhere Ivan showed up ^Wait there's two?^ My mom said very confused ^This here is my twin bro, Ivan Martinez^ My mom talked with both of them for a while when i remembered, Lady! ^mom, there is someone else i whant you to meet^ ^who?^ ^Just wait a sec^ I went up and got Lady ^You got a dog!^ she says happily ^This is our baby, Lady.^
A couple hours later
Right now we are just watching some childhood clips of me and my brothers, its really funny.
When the movie is done
^night mom^ I said as i gave her a hug, ^night Angel^ i started to go up the stairs ^What about us!^ Jake and Logan said, i ran upstairs and jumped into their armes ^Thats better, night Angel^ ^Night guys^ i went upstairs, change into PJ Snuggled a bit with Emi and Lady. ^Night Emi^ ^Night Angel^ ^Night Lady^ lady snuggled with us. I fell really quick asleep.

The Martinez twins *Finished*Where stories live. Discover now