Logan's b-day part 2

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Angel pov
We heard the door open ^Hey sis! Where you at?!^ ^Surprise!!^ everyone yelled, Logan looked really surprised ^I tough you all forgot!^ ^Of course not, you are our big brother, i would never^ I gave him a big hug Logan is turning 23 years. Logan talked to everyone at the party and 30 minutes later we decided to eat.
After we ate
^ok so me, Emilio, Jake, and the rest of team 10 have a present for you Logey, but we have to drive to it^ ^ok^ Logan said pretty suspicious.
10 mins later
^ok so we know you and Evan are looking for a new house so, we got you this house!^

 10 mins later^ok so we know you and Evan are looking for a new house so, we got you this house!^

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^Omg! This is beautiful! Thank you everybody!!!!^
Logan pov
This house is truly amazing. And Kong is finally going to have enough place to run around. ^i love you guys!^ ^i love you to Logan^ we all went back to the party and just had a good time. Best, birthday, ever!!

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