The day before our wedding

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Angel pov
Me and Emi are now saying goodbye before we leave. ^I cant wait till tomorrow babe^ ^me neither^ ^Angel we gotta go!^ i looked up at Emilio and gave him a long kiss. ^see you tomorrow^ ^bye^ i heard a little bark ^see you later Lady^ i gave her a kiss to. I walked down to Logan's car, ^You are sure you whanna do this?^ ^Ofcourse i do, i love him more than anything in the whole world^
When er came to Logan's place
^Who is this dog?^ I asked when a pom walked in ^Oh, thats Kong^ Logan than plugged ^@Kongdasavage *Seriously go follow that user on Insta! his dog is adorable!*

^Why didnt you tell me!!!^ ^i dunno^ ^Where is maverick?^ ^in here^ Logan said as he opend a door, ^hey maverick!^ when he saw me he flew to me and on my shoulder ^Im glad to see you too^later that night^Is Emi and the others preparing for the wed...

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^Why didnt you tell me!!!^ ^i dunno^ ^Where is maverick?^ ^in here^ Logan said as he opend a door, ^hey maverick!^ when he saw me he flew to me and on my shoulder ^Im glad to see you too^
later that night
^Is Emi and the others preparing for the wedding?^ ^yup^ ^But its late now, and you need your beauty sleep^ mom said ^ok night night guys^ i said as i gave everyone a hug. When i where in bed i sent Emi a text
A= Angel E=Emilio
A hey! cant wait for tomorrow handsome 💖
E I know! I'm so exited! But i have gotten serious directions that I need sleep
A me to! Ok night night Love
E night night Angel.
Then i fell asleep, i cant wait!!!

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