You what?!

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Angel pov
Emilio has been staring at me the whole night. He has also been biting his lips, so hot! Jake has also noticed it, let's just say. I don't think he likes it ^hey Angel^ ^yeah Emilio^ omg, my voice sounds desperate... pull it together Angel! ^can I talk to you in private?^ my hearts pounding ^s...s..sure^ Emilio took me to the room he and Ivan shares. ^I know I just meet you but, the first time I saw you I felt something. the first time we handshake I felt a spark.^ he took a deep breath ^I think I might be in love with you^ he did not just say that my crush loves ME! no, this has to be a dream ^you what?!^ he looked sad ^ I understand if you don't feel the same way, after all, we just met...^ ^Emilio, I like you to. I've had a crush on you for so long!^ He turned around smiling. ^Whanna be my girlfriend?^ I cried ^Yes!!^ I looked behind Emilio and was shocked. ^run^ I said ^why?^ Emilio said pretty confused ^Jake^ ^Come here Emilio!^ Emilio started to run.
Emilio pov
I ran and ran but Jake tackled me. he looked serious. ^will you ever cheat on her?^ ^no^ ^will you ever make her sad?^ ^no^ ^then ok, you may date my little sis but be careful. I'm not the one you should be scared off^ Angel came to me ^you ok?^ ^yeah, but why did Jake say he is not the one I should be scared off?^ ^Logan^ she said quietly. ^Logan, he is afraid ANY boy will do what my other bf did^ she started to cry ^whanna talk about it?^ she noded ^but can we go to my room?^ ^sure^ when we came to her room she sat down on her bed. ^so almost every boy, just wants me to become popular. and then they cheat on me^ she started to Cry again ^ I will NEVER do that, AND I'm already popular^
Angel pov
It was good to finally tell someone. I felt really tired. ^Babe, I think imma get some sleep^ Emilio yawned ^me to, hey can I sleep with you?^ I nodded and smiled ^sure^ Emilio took off his shirt. My jaw dropped. ^like what you see?^ I blushed ^dont worry, I think you will get used to it^ I laughed ^night
Emilio^ ^night ^ I closed my eyes, but I felt someone kissing me. I smiled for myself.

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