Preperation for Angel's b-day

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Jake pov
Ok so me, Logan and the Twins have decided to have a surprise b-day party! its December now so we have 13 days to get everything we need.
1 hour later
we have decided that Tessa is going to take her out on her b-day while we make everything.
Emilio pov
me and Ivan is out buying decorations. ^qué tipo de decoraciones hay que comprar?^ Ivan asked ^Rosa! mucho del borde rosado!^ Ivan noded and we got every decoration that was pink.
30 min later
^that has to be enough^ ^Yeah^ i said while i laughed. ^Whanna get coffee before going home?^ ^yeah, i could get Angel one to, she have always wanted to try the unicorn frapucchino^ we walked to Starbucks and we also decided to try the new one.
This is what it look like:

Angel povI decided just to have a lazy day

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Angel pov
I decided just to have a lazy day. I have watched YouTube all day. Suddenly i heard someone knock ^Come in!^ ^Hola babe!^ Emilio came in with the Unicorn frap i have been dying to try. ^Hola! Did you get me this?^ He smiled his adorable smile and said ^yes^
some hours later
its time for bed, we did a challenge that was like who get slapped in the face! *I got to slap Emilio!* but i wasent on the spinning wheel, it was only the boys. it was really fun

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