Telling Logan

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Angel pov
Today we are going to tell Logan, I'm pretty scared. But I think Emilio is much more scared than me. ^you ok Emilio?^ ^si^ oh no, when Emilio is scared or nervous he talks Spanish. ^No te preocupes estaré a tu lado^(Don't worry I'll be by your side)^Gracias^ ^Jake!^ ^yeah!^ ^can you drive me and Emilio to Logan's apartment?^ he looked shocked at us to ^youre really gonna tell him^ I nodded ^ it's better to tell him now, then wait. because he will freak out if I don't tell him^ Jake noded ^Your right^

At Logans apartment
We walked to the elevator. I looked up at Emilio and smiled, I grabbed his hand and walked slowly out of the elevator. I knocked at the door. ^who is it?!^ I heard him yell ^Angel!^ ^come in!^ we opened the door and walked in. ^Angel is so great to see....^ he stopped and looked at our hands ^Emilio, don't run he will think you are weak^ I whispered ^are you to a couple?^ I nodded yes. He looked angry. Suddenly Logan started to run towards us, I stepped in the middle. Logan stopped. ^Angel^ ^yes Logan?^ ^may I talk to your... boyfriend alone?^ ^only if you promise NOT to hurt him^ ^<alright^
Logan pov
I took Emilio to my room ^you do know how much I care for my little sister right?^                      ^yes^ 

^Will, you EVER make her cry?^  ^no I won't ^ 

  ^will you EVER cheat on her?!^    ^absolutly not!^

^alright, but if you do. you're a dead man^ he swallowed. I gave him a hug, ^as long as your nice to her, I'm nice to you^

Angel pov
^soooo?^ ^you may date him^ ^thank you^ I gave Logan a big hug. ^I love you little sis^ I smiled ^I love you to^
10 min later
^bye Logan!^ ^bye!^ we walked down to Jake. ^so how did it go? are you approved?^ ^yes he is^ Jake smiled. ^hey Angel^ ^yes Emilio^ ^do you want to go on a date with me?^ ^sure^ Emilio whispered something in Jakes's ear. ^ok^ Emilio took a blindfold on me.

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