Logan's b-day part 1

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Angel pov
Today is April 1st, Logan's b-day!! Me and Jake are planing on having a party for him here in the team 10 house!
We already have all the decorations up so its just getting the food!!! We are having tacos, because Logan loves tacos, not many people know this but Jake is a good chef!
A couple hours later
All of Logan's friends have arrived, so now were just waiting for Logan. ^sis can you call Logan and tell him to come?^ ^Sure!^
L: Heyyyyy sis!!!
A: hey bro! Can you come over to the team 10 house?
L: Why?
A: Cause i miss you!
L: ok, ill be there in 10!
A: K, see ya
L: see ya
^He will be here in 10!^ ^alright everybody, do your final touches, Logan will be here in 10!!^

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