New house.

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Angel pov 1 month later
So me and Emi are planning in moving to the house next door, because there are to much noise here in the team 10 house. ^EMI! Ready to go and check the house next door thats on sale?^ ^Yeah^ we went to the house and the owner greeted us.
20 min later
^wow, this house is really beautiful^ ^Yeah^ Emilio said ^So, do you guys wanna close the deal right her, right now?^ the owner said. ^Should we?^ I asked Emilio ^Yeah^ we sealed the deal, signed some papers and went to the Team 10 HQ. ^So how did it go sis?^ Jake asked ^Well, were moving in in like 2 weeks!^ I honestly cant wait.
A couple hours later
Now me and Emi are going to the doctors to see if the baby is healthy. ^hi! I have an appointment with dr.Manuel^ ^Name?^ ^Angel Paul-Martinez^ ^ok, go sit down and dr.Manuel will be with you shortly^ i nodded and sat down.
5 min later
^Angel Paul-Martinez?^ He said, I quickly stood up, so did Emi and walked towards him.
10 min later
^the baby is in perfect conditions, come back in 1 month if you would like to know the gender, also for another control.^ ^Alright! See ya doc!^
In the Team 10 HQ
I'm alone in my room watching Netflix because Emilio wanted to spend more time with Ivan, and thats of course fine by me. But i think I'm just gonna go to sleep.

The Martinez twins *Finished*Where stories live. Discover now