We are going to Disney world!

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1 month later
Jake pov
I and Emilio are going to surprise Angel, we are going to Disney World Orlando! Logan is also coming. I and Emilio went into their room. ^what are you doing baby?^ ^watching youtube^ ^can you turn off a little bit?^ she turned off ^babe do you wanna go to Disney World?^ ^yeah^ I showed her the tickets
Angel pov
^omg!!! you guys didn't!^ I hugged both of them, and kissed Emilio ^who is going?^ ^you, me, Ivan, Tessa, Jake and Logan^ Emilio said. ^im so excited! when are we going?^ ^next week!^ they walked out and I continued watching Youtube
Emilio pov
^Jake, I need to ask you and Logan something^ ^yeah, do you want me to call him over?^ ^can we go to him? I don't want Angel to hear this^ ^yeah sure^
At Logans place
^So what did you wanna ask us?^ I took a deep breath ^I wanna get your permission to, to marry your little sister^
Jake pov
^Just wait a minute^ I and Logan went to Logan's room to talk. ^what do you think Logan?^ ^he is a nice boy^ ^yeah, I like him^ ^soooooooo^ Logan noded ^ I think he may marry her^ we walked out ^yes, you may marry our little sister, but if you do anything to hurt her. You're Dead!^ ^ I understand^ Emilio said ^So how are you going to do it?^ I asked ^ I'm gonna do it at Disney world^ ^so you have a ring?^ Logan Asked. ^yes^ he showed us the ring:

^She is going to love it^ Emilio smiled ^Thanks^

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^She is going to love it^ Emilio smiled ^Thanks^

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