Honeymoon part 2

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Angel pov
I slowly woke up today, yes! I'm awake before Emilio! I decided i could scare him. ^Bo!^ i screamed, and since he was asleep he got scared. I almost died of laughter. ^heyy! Not funny!^ ^yes it is!^ ^Por ejemplo, te odio^ Emilio said, i laughed again ^aficionado a usted y^ he laughed. ^seriously, why did you wake me love?^ ^because Emilio, im hungry^ he laughed ^ok, give me 10 minutes^ he went to the bathroom to change and i changed in the room. I changed into this:

^you ready Emilio?^ i asked/shouted ^yeah im ready^ Emilio came out in this:

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^you ready Emilio?^ i asked/shouted ^yeah im ready^ Emilio came out in this:

^you ready Emilio?^ i asked/shouted ^yeah im ready^ Emilio came out in this:

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^Ready?^ ^im always ready to eat!^ he laughed.
in the cafeteria
Its a whole bufé! It smells delicious. ^what are you getting?^ ^bacon, eggs, pancakes you name it!^
I ended up getting this:

 ^what are you getting?^ ^bacon, eggs, pancakes you name it!^I ended up getting this:

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And Emilio ended up getting this:

^what are we doing today?^ i asked ^we are going to the Eiffel Tower^ i smiled ^cant wait^After breakfastWe went out of the hotel, and the sight was fabulous! Shops, parks and we even saw the Eiffel Tower from here!^te amó tú^ ^te amo tu y^At the ...

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^what are we doing today?^ i asked ^we are going to the Eiffel Tower^ i smiled ^cant wait^
After breakfast
We went out of the hotel, and the sight was fabulous! Shops, parks and we even saw the Eiffel Tower from here!
^te amó tú^ ^te amo tu y^
At the Eiffel Tower
^wow, its huge!^ i said ^yeah it is^, we walked to the elevator and pressed the button to the top.
At the top
We walked out and it was beautiful, its even a restaurant up here, i didn't even know that! ^god it's beautiful here!^ we decided to take a picture and the caption was ^me and me husband on top of the Eiffel Tower!^ and in like 5 minutes we already had 2k likes and 1k comments, i saw that Jakey had wrote ^Have fun!!^ and Logi *don't ask about the nicknames* had liked it. We ordered food, we both ordered pasta. De-lic-ious, it tasted so good!!!
after dinner
Emilio asked someone to take a picture of us kissing in front of the view. ^thank you^ Emilio said to the man. ^Ready to go back?^ ^yep^
at the hotel
as fast as we layed our heads on the pillow we fell asleep. What a good day!

Please read this!!
i might not write anything over the summer, because im writing on my school iPad and we dont get to keep it over the summer. And my pc do not work. But please stay! i will write a new chapter as fast as i get it back! i promise!!
But thank you for reading my book, this is not the end of it. im only taking a unwanted break. I would love some feedback on my book to.
Love ❤️ Isabell

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