The day has come

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Angel pov
The baby is due this week! I'm very exited but I'm starting to get nervous. ^Hey^ Jake said bringing me out of my thoughts. ^hey^ i said back giving him a smile, Jake saw something was wrong so he sat down with me and said ^something wrong sis?^ ^Me, nah. I'm good^ ^Angel?^ ^ok, I'm starting to get nervous about being a mom. Like take it responsibility. You haven't even started to be responsible^ ^Yeah, but i promise you Angel both me and Logan will be here for you. If you ever need us just call and we will be over in a heartbeat. I want you to know that^ i smiled at Jake ^thanks bro^ i said giving him a hug ^i do love you bro^ ^and i love you to sis, but you should get some rest,  the clock is 10 pm^ ^yeah, do you know when Emilio will be home?^ ^yeah, 10 minutes i think. Their doing a video for Chance and Antony's channel. ^Ok, good night Jake^ ^Good night Angel^
2 am
I woke up screaming in pain, i look under my blanket and see water ^EMILIO MY WATER BROKE!!^ i shouted he woke up, ^EMILIO CALL 911, AND JAKE AND LOGAN!^ i said breathing, he called 911, then Jake and at the end Logan. Jake came rushing in ^Angel!^ i just breathed heavily. ^Your ok, just breathe and try to relax^ ^ANGEL!!^ ^Logan, their bedroom!^ Logan came and took my hand ^just squeeze if it hurts^ i nodded, suddenly i squeezed. We heard the ambulance. I could not walk i was in so much in pain so Logan carried me. Only Emilio came with me tho.
I don't want to write about all that happens so I'm just going to jump till the baby comes
^ok, just on more push^ i pushed one more time and suddenly i heard Crying. I smiled ^here is your new girl^ i took her and looked down at her ^Welcome to our world, Tori Grace Paul-Martinez^ she is so beautiful. ^can i hold her?^ Emilio asked ^of course^ i gave her to him. ^Hey^ Logan said poking his head through the door ^can we come in?^ ^yeah^ Jake showed me his vlog camera like he was asking for permission to vlog. I gave him a nod ^You will not believe what happened, my sister and Emilio just became parents. Jake paulers say hi to Tori Grace Paul-Martinez^ Logan said the same. After that nurses came to check on him and i just fell asleep.

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