Team 10 meating her

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Angel pov
Today Tori is going to meet the rest of the Team 10, i decided to call jake.
J} = Jake A} = Angel

J} Hello?
A} Hey bro
J} Hey sis! Whatcha doing?
A} i where just calling to say that I'm coming over with Tori today
J} you are!
A} so please try to keep it down while we're there
J} Alright! See ya
A} bye!
End of call
I went into Tori's room to see that she was awake, ^Hows my little baby girl^ i lifted her up and got her dressed

J} Hello?A} Hey broJ} Hey sis! Whatcha doing?A} i where just calling to say that I'm coming over with Tori todayJ} you are!A} so please try to keep it down while we're there J} Alright! See yaA} bye!End of callI went into Tori's room to see that s...

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^how is my two favorite girls doing?^ Emilio came in asking ^were fine^ He saw her clothes ^Sweet like mom, thats right she are^ i smiled and laughed a bit, ^Today we are going over to the Team 10 house!^ I said ^We are! So Ivan can finally meet her!^ ^Yeah!^ i fell kinda bad for Ivan, since he didnt come to the hospital. But he's going to meet her today!!
Later on in the day
^Ready to go?^ Emilio asked ^Yeah, lets go^ i carried Tori and walked over to the team 10 house, when the fans saw us they weren't Loud because they saw Tori, ^hey everyone, i really appreciate you guys not screaming.^ Emilio said. We walked in ^Hey Jake, were here!^ i said ^Angel!^ Jake said walking inside. ^Guys Angel, Emilio and Tori is here!^ everyone came ^Hey Angel^ ^Hey Chance^ ^Sup Angel^ ^Sup Tony^ ^Everyone this is Tori Grace^ I said with a big Smile, then Emilio asked ^where is my brother?^ ^he is upstairs^ Jake answered ^Ivan!^ Emilio yelled a little quiet ^yeah^ he came down and as soon as he saw her, he became in tears ^Ivan, i would like you to meet your niece, Tori Grace^ i said, he came down ^can i hold her?^ ^yeah sure^ i handed Tori over to Ivan and went for something to drink. I went back seeing Ivan on the floor with Tori on top of him ^aww, little Tori like Uncle Ivan?^ i said in a baby tone. Suddenly Tori started crying, i took her and found out she needed to change, ^Emi, your turn^ i said giving him Tori ^but, fine^
A couple hours later
^bye Jake^ i said giving him a hug ^bye!^ ^come on Lady!^ Emilio said while taking her leash. We went home, i fed Tori and put her to sleep. Then we went to sleep

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