The date

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Angel pov
^take my hand^ I took Emilio's hand. When I came out of the car Emilio took his hand around me. ^ok, are you ready?^ ^yes^ he took my blindfold off, ^oh my^ ^you like it?^ ^ofcourse it's beautiful^
this is what i saw:

We sat down, ^so what are we going to eat?^ Emilio took a plate and showed me, ^spaghetti with Spanish sauce and meetballs^ ^did you make it?^ ^yeah me and Ivan did^2 hours later^ok, first spaghetti, then chocolate pudding

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We sat down, ^so what are we going to eat?^ Emilio took a plate and showed me, ^spaghetti with Spanish sauce and meetballs^ ^did you make it?^ ^yeah me and Ivan did^
2 hours later
^ok, first spaghetti, then chocolate pudding. nothing can top this!^ he smiled ^you sure?^ he took my hand again. we walked for 5 minutes. ^oh my! are we really going on a ferries wheel?^ Emilio nodded. We went in. I just stared at the view. when we were at the top the Ferris wheel stopped. ^what happened?!^ ^nothing they are just getting new passengers on^ I relaxed. Emilio took his arms around my waist, I just looked at his lips. ^may I?^ he asked ^yes Emilio,^ he smiled and carefully put his perfect lips on mine, ^Te amo Emilio^ ^Te amo a Angel^ the wheel started to go again. After the wheel, Emilio got a Taxi home. When we came back to the Team 10 house I went to my room ^I think I'm going to sleep, you wanna come to Emilio?^ ^yeah I will come in a bit^
Emilio pov
when I walked to the kitchen to get some water Jake came. ^so how did it go?^ ^wonderful^ ^what happened?^ ^first we had a picnic then we were on a Ferris wheel, then I went for it. I kissed her^ ^did you ask?^ I nodded ^ I asked for her permision^ ^good^ ^goodnight Jake^ ^night^ I walked to Angel's room. ^did you wait for me?^ ^mo I just scrolled through my phone^ ^ok^ I took off my shirt and felt someone staring at me, I smiled because I knew it was Angel. when I laid in the bed and fell asleep I felt someone laying on me. I opened my eyes and saw Angel. I kissed her head and fell asleep again.

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