The news

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Angel pov
I have been really ill lately. I get morning sickness, i haven't told Emi, but i think i might be pregnant. ^Emi, I'm going to the grocery store, need anything?^ ^Nah, I'm good^ I kissed him and went out
At the grocery store
I got the pregnancy test and some chips, food and stuff and payed.
At home
I'm scared to take it. I took a deep breath and did it. Now i just need to wait.
2 minutes later
I. I cant believe it, I'm going to be a mom!! ^EMI!!!!^ ^what is it, are you hurt?^i showed him the test ^is this a prank?^ he said with tears in his eyes ^no, Emilio you are going to be a father!^ He almost fainted ^JAKE!!^ i screamed dragging out the a. ^YEAH!^ ^COME UPSTAIRS!!!^ i heard steps coming up ^i have news to tell you^ i showed him the test ^This, is it true?^ ^yeah, Jakey you are going to be an uncle!^ he hugged me. ^you should call Logan^ ^yeah^
L: whats up sis?
A: Can you come over?
L: why?
A: I have something important to tell ya
L: Ok, be there in 5, see ya
A:See ya!
When Logan came
^Yo sis! Where you at!?^ ^In my room!^ ^soooo, what's up?^ ^Weeeellll^ i showed him the test^ ^no way this is real, this gotta be a prank!^ ^Nope, Logan your gonna be an uncle^ Logan hugged me ^I love you Logan^ ^I love you to Angel^ ^have you told the rest of the team?^ ^no, but i wanna have everyone there. Cause i don't wanna tell everyone alone.^ ^yeah, thats a lot of people^ ^but we have to tell Ivan^ ^EMMMII!!!^ ^yeah love?^ ^ready to tell Ivan?^ ^yeah^ Emilio got Ivan up to the room ^So^ ^Tenemos que decirte algo, estoy embarazada^ ^¿Es una broma?^ ^¡No, hermano, vas a ser tío!^ Ivan were in tears. We all hugged for a while ^ready to tell the rest of the team?^ ^yeah^ we went downstairs and yelled ^TEAM 10 GATHER UP!!^ in about 2 minutes everyone were here. ^Soo, me an Emilio have something important to tell y'all^ I looked at Emi and he gave me a big smile ^in about 9 months, there will be a new addition to the Team 10 family^ ^does this mean what i think it means?^ Chance said ^Im pregnant^ After i said those two words everyone came and congratulated us. After all that me and Emi decided to have a lazy day, in our bed, watching Netflix. ^i cant believe I'm going to be a father^ Emi said ^i cant believe it either^ ^i love you Angel^ ^i love you to Emi^

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