Planning the wedding

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Emilio pov 
I woke up before Angel today. First, I was on my phone for a couple of minutes. But since Angel is not awake yet I just decided I could make breakfast for her. So I went downstairs and I met my brother Ivan. ^Buenos días hermano, ¿me puedes ayudar a preparar el desayuno para Angel?^ (Good morning brother, can you help me prepare breakfast for Angel?) ^Claro, ¿qué estamos hacien^ (sure, what are we making) I stopped and thought for a little while ^Estamos haciendo panqueques y tocino.^(were making bacon and pancakes) Ivan nodded and started to find the ingredients. Then Jake came ^Morning Martinez Twins!^ ^Morning Jake!^ ^What you guys doing?^ ^we are making breakfast for my love!^ ^awww that's so nice of you^. Jake took his camera and started to record ^whats up Jake Paulers *I don't remember the rest of the intro* then Jake askt us the same question ^What are you doing^ ^Im making breakfast for my fiancé^ 

10 min later
I'm now done, so now I'm just placing it on the plate. ^Thank you so much Ivan for helping^ ^It was nothing really! that's what brothers are for^ I went up to our room ^Morning Angel!^
Angel pov
^Morning Emilio^ I woke up and smelled something delicious. I opened my eyes and saw what Emilio was holding. ^you didn't have to^ ^ I Know but I wanted to^ I smiled. Emilio put the plate on the bed. I started eating, ^omg, this is delicious!^ Emilio smiled.
after breakfast
Jake came in ^Hows the Lovebirds?^ I laughed ^Good, but Jake get out. I'm gonna get dressed^ ^ok, ok^ after about 10 minutes I found something to wear:

 I'm gonna get dressed^ ^ok, ok^ after about 10 minutes I found something to wear:

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Minus the hat. ^I swear you get hotter every day!^ I giggled ^You get nicer and handsomer every day!^ Emilio was wearing this:

 ^I swear you get hotter every day!^ I giggled ^You get nicer and handsomer every day!^ Emilio was wearing this:

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We went downstairs to the rest of team 10. When we came down we looked for Ivan and Tessa. ^Where are they?^ then we heard something from their room ^, Tessa, I'm not sure if we're meant to be together, I don't love you like that^ ^I don't love you like that either Ivan, but we can still be friends. right?^ ^yeah ofcourse^ I and Emilio went back to the living room and turned on the TV ^maybe we should start planning^ I said. Emilio nodded so we went to the pc. ^where do you want it babe?^ ^hmmm maybe, maybe we could have it here! We have a big garden. All we need is a lot of decorations! And it's cheaper!^ ^yeah we could do that, ok when do we want it?^ ^hmm, right now its autumn, so maybe in spring! Because then I'm 18!^ ^hmm, your b-day is 13th December, so yeah we could do that^ I smiled. ^what food?^ ^ I, I don't know^ I'm thinking, but then Emilio said ^Maybe we could have pasta!^ *I know its not a good wedding dinner but role with it. Ok, !* ^Yeah we could have that^
Many hours later
By the time we were done, it was pretty late. ^whanna go to our room?^ ^yeah^ we went up and we cuddled a while, and we were on our phones before falling asleep. first my b-day then my wedding! I can't wait!

This chapter is the last so far to be edited

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