Gender reveal

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Angel pov 1 week later
Ok everything is were its supposed to be. We are having a baby gender reveal in the team 10 house because its more space here. So the colors here are pink, blue and white!
1 hour later
^ok everybody! Listen up! Its time to tell you guys what it is!^ I looked at Emilio, we opened a box and out came pink balloons ^Its a girl!!^ we had a huge round of hugs ^is it a new vlogger i hear??^ Logan asked ^maybe^ ^Well, have you decided a name?^ ^Yup! Tori Grace Paul-Martinez!^ ^Aww, thats adorable!!^ We just ate after that, i was really hungry, but don't judge me, I'm eating for two! Overall we had a lot of fun. But as soon as the guests left me and Emi went home to sleep because i was really tired ^Good night Angel^ ^Good night Emi^ The he looked down at my stomach ^Good night Tori, cant wait to meet you!^

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