Home again

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1 week later
Angel pov
I have been in the hospital all week with Emilio. ^you didn't have to stay babe^ ^what did I say? I will stay with you until the end! because I love you^ Emilio smiled. ^Good morning Mr. Martinez, I have some good news for you^ the doctor that just came in said ^yeah?^ ^mr. Martinez, you can leave today^ ^thank you doctor^ when the doctor went out Emilio looked at me and smiled. I went closer and our lips touched. ^ I love you^ ^ I love you to^ I jumped out of bed ^ I'm Texting Ivan so he can get Jake, And help you out.^ ^gracias^
I=Ivan A=Angel
A: Hola! Emilio can leave today, can you and Jake come and pick us up!
I: Sure, we will try to be there in an hour!
A:  Gracias!
I: De nada
^They will try to be here in an hour^ ^Ok, I think I should get dressed^ I helped him up, and I picked some clothes for him. This is what I picked:

^whanna get some breakfast^ ^Sure!^  he got his crutches and we walked downstairs

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^whanna get some breakfast^ ^Sure!^  he got his crutches and we walked downstairs. ^So what do you want?^ ^just pick something, you know me so well^ I noded. I took the same for me and Emilio:

^that looks delicious Angel, gracias^ ^de nada^ ^you are getting pretty good at Spanish!^ ^I have been practicing a lot!^After breakfastWe are waiting outside ^Hey!^ I turned around and saw Jake and Ivan ^I haven't seen you in a week!^ Jake said

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^that looks delicious Angel, gracias^ ^de nada^ ^you are getting pretty good at Spanish!^ ^I have been practicing a lot!^
After breakfast
We are waiting outside ^Hey!^ I turned around and saw Jake and Ivan ^I haven't seen you in a week!^ Jake said. Ivan helped Emilio in the car. Jake was driving Ivan was in the front too, and I and Emilio was in the back. ^its gonna be good to lay in my own bed^ ^yeah^ ^btw, you to lovebirds officially have a room together^ Jake said ^what about Ivan?^ Emilio said. Ivan blushed ^he got a girlfriend!^ ^ohh, who is it?^ ^its Tessa^ ^wow! Congratulations that's amazing!^ 

When we came home
We walked up to our room. Ivan helped his brother. ^wow!^ on the left side was all of my things and a pink bedsheet, and on the right side there were all off Emilio's things and a blue bedsheet, we lady straight down in the bed. ^we can put things where we want it when you feel better^ ^si^ I yawned ^whanna sleep?^ he asked. ^yeah^ ^give me a kiss first^ I gave him a kiss, a long one. ^I love you so much^ ^ I love you more^ ^imposible^ I said. I closed my eyes and fell right asleep.

The Martinez twins *Finished*Where stories live. Discover now