Jake's prank

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Jake pov
I'm going to prank Angel and Emilio. I'm going to take Lady and pretend she was dog napped. I opend their door quietly, ^hey Lady^ I picked her up and carryied her downstairs ^Tessa?^ ^Yeah^ ^can you take Lady out for a walk?^ ^Yeah sure^ She took Lady's leash and went out.
Angel pov
^good morning Emilio and Lady^ ^Lady?!?!^ ^EMILIO!! WHERE IS LADY!?!?!?!?!?^ ^JAAAAAAAAAAAKE!!!!!!!^ ^What?^ ^ Where the heck is Lady?^ ^I heard some noises in the middle off the night, but i didnt think it was anything, lets go look at the security cameras^ ^Ok^ I ran to the office
Jake pov
this is perfect, when i took Lady i had burglar stuff on. ^NOOOOO!!!^ ^what?^ ^some one stoll her!^ the Tessa came ^Jake im home!^ Then Lady came running in ^Lady! My baby!!^ ^You just got pranked!^ ^Jake^ she looked angry as hell, I started to run becouse she is just as strong as me (just a little bit weaker) Emilio stood infront of me ^Sorry bro, but she is my gf^ Angel takled me ^WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!?!^ ^Its every day sis^
4 hours later
Angel pov
Me and Emilio are at the dogpark with Lady, she seems to love it. ^I love you Emi^ ^I love you to Angel^  he gave me a quick kiss. I looked at the clock ^I think we should head home^ ^Yeah^ ^Lady! Come here girl^ She came running towards us. I put her leash on and we walked home. When we came home Jake had ordered Fast food, so we ate a little ^Anyone up for watching a movie?^ Jake asked, me and Emi said ^Sure^ Ivan also decided to watch. ^Anyone else, its gonna be a scary movie^ No one else whanted to whatch a movie so it was just me, Jake, Emi and Ivan.
A bit into the movie
^Ahhh!^ i screamed And hid in Emi's chest. everyone else just laughed.
After the movie
I think i fell asleep whatching the movie couse i felt someone pick me up and carry me.

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