Home again

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Angel pov 2 weeks later
We are now in the taxi to the Team 10 house. I am so exited to see my bros again!! The taxi stopped and me and Emi walked hand in hand out. The fans outside our house screamed.
Jake pov
I heard screaming and i dont expect anyone so i went outside and saw, angel!! ^Angel!!^ I opend my arms and she came running ^Hey bro^ she said ^Ive missed you sis^ i went and hugged Emilio to. I ran inside before her to get someone ^angel there is one id like you to meet^

^Our new puppy Apollo!^ ^omg! He is adorable! Speaking off dogs were is Lady?^ ^Lady!^ I screamed, suddenly she came running from the stairs and right into angels arms ^Ive missed you baby^

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^Our new puppy Apollo!^ ^omg! He is adorable! Speaking off dogs were is Lady?^ ^Lady!^ I screamed, suddenly she came running from the stairs and right into angels arms ^Ive missed you baby^

The rest off the day we just relaxed and went swimming.

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