Angel's b-day part 1

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Angel pov
^Good morning Babe^ Emilio said, i woke up and said ^Morning^ Emilio gave me a kiss before walking out off bed. ^What are we doing today?^ i asked, becouse i feel like something important is going on today but i don't remember. ^No^ Emilio said quick ^ok^ i went out off bed, got dressed and went upstairs. ^Hey Jake^ ^Morning Angel^ Jake said nervously ^Something wrong?^ ^No, not at all. Btw you're going out with Tessa today^ ^I am? Alright!^ ^Tessa!!!^ Jake shouted ^Yeah!?!?!?!?^ Tessa shouted even louder, I just started laughing. ^Ok Angel come on!^ i smiled and got my shoes and waited.
Jake pov
^remember don't be home before i text you!^ she noded and walked over to Angel, as soon as they were gone i screamed. ^Angel is out!! Time to get ready for the party!!!!^ everyone came down and Emilio and Ivan came with the decorations. ^Ok time to start!^
2 hours later
Most of the things are in place, but we still need a cake, and guests. ^Where are you Jake!^ ^Hey Logan! Can you Bake?^ ^Yeah^ ^good, we need a cake!^ Logan went straight to the kitchen.
3 Hours later
The guests were starting to come, It was mostly our vine *R.I.P vine* friens like: Lele Pons, King Bach, Liza Koshy and Rudy mancuso.
I texted Tessa ^ok you can come now^ ^ok be there in 5^
Angel pov
Me and Tessa were now our way home from a great day. When we got out Tessa said ^Close your Eyes^ ^1,2,3! Surprise!^

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