Got you jake!

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A couple months later
Angel pov
Its only a week until I'm a married woman, marrying the love off my life. I cant Wait!!!! ^Morning Emilio^ i said as i planted a kiss on Emilio's lips, ^Buenos Dias^ He said as he responded to the kiss. ^Its only 7 more days now^ ^Cant wait to marry my beautiful GF^ ^You now we will be separated 24 hours before the wedding?^ ^awww, do we have to?^ ^Yup, its family tradition, and Logan will kill you if we dont since its tradision^ ^Hungry?^ Emilio asked, ^yeah!^ then Lady jumped on our bed ^hey Lady!^ i picked her up and started to cuddle with her.
2 hours later
^Where is the taser?^ i asked Anthony ^In the Office, why?^ ^I'm going to prank Jake^ they noded. I got the taser and waited *jake is at Disney* ^I'm home!^ I ran up with the taser and Jake was so scared, ^What the heck sis!?^ i smiled at him ^Its every day bro!^ ^Hey! thats my line!^ he laughed, ^Ohio!!!!^ ^Hey!!! well you are from Ohio to tho^ ^How was Disney Today?^ ^Really good^ I smiled at him. ^btw are you and Emilio up for a Q&A tomorrow?^ ^yeah sure, is it for the team 10 channel?^ ^Yeah^ i smiled and him then i ran upstairs.
3 hours later
Me and Emilio is just laying in bed cuddling with ecother (?) and Lady. I slowly dozed off into a peaceful sleep while Emilio played with my hair.

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