The hospital

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Ivan pov
I and Angel is completely destroyed. Angel is sleeping, I cant. My brother. He can be so stupid sometimes. After he jumped I felt my heart broke, Angel couldn't even breath! But I am happy to see that someone cares about him the same way I do. My thought got distracted as someone talked to me ^you may see him now^ ^gracias^ I turned around ^angel^ ^si?^ ^Ahora podemos ver a Emilio^ (we can see Emilio now)
Angel pov
I ran towards Emilio's room. ^Emilio?^ ^si?^ When Emilio saw me he opened his arms, and I ran straight into them ^how could you be so stupid, I almost got a heart attack^ then Ivan came in, I let go so Ivan could hug Emilio. ^Anyways how do you feel?^ ^my leg really hurt^ a doctor came in ^thats because, Mr. Martinez, you broke your Left foot^ ^oh, ok thanks for telling^ he nodded and walked out. ^you know Logan is going to be mad at you^ ^Why?^ ^becouse you nearly game me a heart attack!!!^ ^oh, I'm so sorry babe!^ ^atleast your still alive. ^Im sorry to tell but visiting times is over^ ^cant I stay with him? please^ ^why should you?^ ^im his girlfriend, please!^ ^ok you but only you may^ ^thank you^ I laid down on the right side, Emilio took his arm around me ^ I told you I always will stay by your side, and I mean that!^ He smiled. I slowly fell asleep. ^night babe^ ^night Baby^

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