Canzone Per Te

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Luna's POV:

"Wait, so you're saying your friends are famous?" I asked confusedly as Max and Perla talked about his guests.

"Yeah. They are loved everywhere in the world, even Japan. But don't worry they really are nice guys. I don't think they won't mind if you guys don't know about them." Max said to me.

"Oh. Okay." I said a bit awkward now. I had to mentally prepare myself to meet these famous guys like... Who would know I would be meeting famous people on a beach party?!

We walked on the sand, along the small path of tiki torches. I hold some cups in one hand as Max had a bucket of champagne in his arms and Perla hold both of our drinks.

The wind blew hard suddenly and it made my hair get all over my face. "Woah! Where did that breeze come from?" Max asked as he was turning against the gust of wind.

"Well it is the shore." Perla said and apparently they came to a stop.

"I got the drinks!" Maxim shouted and  I still struggled to get all of my hair off my face.

Piero's POV:

Ignazio and I were seated in the middle log, of course goofing off with each other. I started poking his side since he was ignoring me. Then he turned and began the famous poke war. Once I heard Maxim's voice, I looked up and noticed he wasn't alone.

At that moment, I looked to his right and I girl with a beautiful blue dress stood with some cups in her hands and moved her hair away in this slow motion. At the same time, Ignazio had poked hard my stomach, leaving me breathless.

"Boys, cut it out." Nina, Ignazio's sister said and we both did. My gaze wouldn't leave from that special girl. I've never seen anyone like her before.

"Um, I know that girl is sexy but can you please close your mouth? A seagull is going to get in there." Ignazio suddenly said and frowned.

I did realize I had my mouth open so I closed it and gave a dirty look at him. "Guys, I brought some girls whom were watching drunken people sing." Max said and we all got his attention.

"You sure saved their night." Francis said and the other girl did a double take.

"Woah! Are you two twins or am I drunk already?" The girl on Maxim's left said. Both Francis and I laughed and shook our heads.

"Oh no. I'm the oldest." Francis answered and I only nodded.

"Cool." The girl said and turned to look at Maxim. "So are you going to introduce us?" She said afterwards.

"Oh! Right." Maxim said and put the ice bucket with the bottle of champagne down in the sand. "Guys, this is my cousin Perla, the one who was born in Spain but grew up in the US."

The girl nodded her head and introduced herself after. "Hello new people." She said.

"And this is her friend, Luna." Maxim finished and pointed over to the beautiful girl next to him.

She looked shy so she only waved everyone a hello and gripped the cups in her hands. "So now that everyone is here, let's make a toast. Make room for them will ya?" Maxim said as he sat in the log to my left.

Everyone scooted over an made space for the lovely ladies and looked at each other as the cups were being passed.

In the left log sat Maxim, Ernie & Gian. In the big log I was in happened to be Ignazio in the corner, me, Francis and the beautiful girl... Luna I believe... Man even her name was special. In the last log sat her friend, Nina and Mariagrazia.

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