The Comeback

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*Next Day*
Luna's POV:

Esther had confessed on causing Piero's accident. But what had thrown me off was the fact that she was so persistent in saying he wasn't dead. She had came up with this crazy story of kidnapping him and inducing him into a coma and gave him amnesia.

Everyone in the police station just laughed at her statement. I did so too but for some reason I knew she was really telling the truth. At the moment she was locked up in jail and I had to write the report of the arrest.

In the meantime, our boss was giving his statement to the press about giving a closure on Piero's case. They had appeared at the office once we told them about Piero and his unfinished file.

I just sat there, staring at the computer monitor before me.

"Boss... You sure are amazing. Look! Big boss even mentioned your name and ours for the operation. We're on TV!" Antonella said as all 3 of them were watching the local news live broadcasting.

Ignazio's POV:

I had gone to the cafeteria to get something to drink as we had finished all of our drinks in the studio. Today was the last day of us recording the last bit of the new album and that had me a bit excited.

Just as I drank my water, I turned to look at the television and noticed that there was an officer speaking to the press. I couldn't tell what he was saying so I read at the bottom of the screen the of 'Piero Barone's murderer caught'.

I frowned and told one of the ladies in the cafeteria to turn the volume up. My eyes had read the truth. Back in Sicily, Luna and her team did indeed get to Esther and was now in jail. "I have to tell everyone about this."

I left my drink in one of the tables and sprinted back to Michele's office. "What's the matter Nazio?" He asked me as I had barged in.

"Turn the TV on." I managed to say as I tried getting my breathing back to normal. He did as told and watched, at that same moment, Gianluca and Piero came in and Michele shushed them and let him hear.

"MICHELE! RAGAZI!" Barbara yelled as she came running inside the office. "You're watching this!" She shouted and went straight to sit next to Michele and in front of the TV.

"What are we going to do now? Who knew that the police was still investigating Piero's fake death?" Michele said the news anchor finished the segment.

"Now they do think I'm dead for sure." Piero said and looked at me.

"Luna was investigating your case. That was the last thing she told me in person before I came here. I don't know much about what she's been up to. I swear guys!" I began saying.

"Why didn't you tell us Ignazio?" Michele asked and just sighed as he rubbed his temple.

"Guys... It's not as bad as it sounds now." Gianluca began to say.

"What do you mean?" Michele asked.

"It means that our project will be of more excitement and nerve wracking. Look... Now our audience is for sure convinced that Piero is dead right? Then that means they will be more intrigued to know who's the next Piero. That's of we now change up the publicity to a mysterious guy." Gianluca began to say.

"I think I know where you are going with this... Keep on." Barbara said.

"Since we have everything ready for the release of a single and the entire album, why didn't we change up the cover of it all. Just make Piero's silhouette dark to make it more intriguing for the fans and expect to see Il Volo with more curiosity." He finished and Michele looked at Gian like he had discovered something unimaginable.

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