Strange Actions

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Piero's POV:

The ride from the airport to Luna's place went by quick, or maybe it was because I slept all of the ride. Her house was beautiful and big; just breathtaking. "Why do I feel so sleepy?" I asked as we all helped out in moving our luggage inside the house.

Everyone was here now, 3 vans at it's max with both people and luggage were now parked in this place. It was crazy.

"Because you slept ever since we got on the plane." Gianluca asked.

"Really? Oh. Oh yeah. Maybe it's the medicine." I said and Nazio just nodded at my response.

"To all this, I see everyone here except that cop friend Luna had for us almost 24/7." I stated as I saw my entire family, Ignazio, Gianluca, Perla and Maxim.

"He had to go to the station and check on my girls. And for your information the cop friend has name and is Carlo." Luna said. "You would of known when we stopped and dropped him off if it weren't for you sleeping."

"What? I really didn't feel anything. Whatever. Where's mini me?" I asked as I finally sat in a nice comfy looking sofa.

"He ran upstairs. Probably missing his toys." Luna replied and sat next to me.

"Didn't you move to Palermo?" I questioned her.

"I did but I never sold this house. I just wrapped everything in case I decided to come back. My girls helped me unpack some stuff and got groceries too." Luna said.

"Mamma! Why is there a big bed in my room?" Victor shouted as he came down the stairs.

"Because mommy and daddy are going to sleep with you. We will all be sharing a room okay?" Luna said.

"You and me in a room again. Hm." I whispered in her ear and she quickly slapped my arm as I smirked at her.

"So I'll be sharing a room with who?" Gianluca asked.

"Okay so Mr and Mrs Barone get the master bedroom. Francis you can choose who your roommate should be and so will Ignazio. Maria and Perla will share the other room and the last person will be sleeping down here in the guest room." Luna said and everyone began talking and getting their luggage.

"Will you be working from home or will you be leaving to the station?" I asked Luna.

"I have to go to the station to get some officers to secure the house. I'll check on Esther's case and then I'll be home as soon as I finish with that. For tomorrow, well, I won't be going to the station. I want to enjoy the rest of the weekend with you guys." Luna replied.

"Okay, I like the sound of that. But... I just want you to be careful." I said.

"What do you mean? I'm basically a cop too." Luna asked. I sighed and scratched my head as I didn't know how to tell her what I felt about that Carlo guy.

Ever since I meet him at the hospital in Rome, something about him just didn't seem right. He acted strange when I was around and would only give me glares.

"It's Carlo..."

"Luna! How do you use this?" Someone interrupted me.

I noticed she sighed and chuckled. "We'll talk about that later tonight okay?" And off she went to the kitchen where Maxim and Perla tried to make a cocktail with some blending machine.

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