The Plan (Part 2)

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Luna's POV:

I quickly pushed myself away from his arms and stood straight. Yet I still looked at Piero through the mirror across from us. "I am not lost. I just..." I tried to look around for a good explanation but I failed.

"And? What if I did?" I said in an angry voice.

"I kind of knew you would get lost. You were staying behind." Piero said and that's when I turned around to actually face him.

"You know what?" I asked but by this moment he was walking away from me. I frowned and yelled behind him "Hey!"

For some reason I caught up to him and grabbed his hand... I guess it was a habit of mine. He only paused from walking and looked down at our hands being intertwined.

The second I saw his eyes raise to meet mine, many questions came into my mind. He looked a bit tired and worried, pain written in them. Our situation, or whatever he had been haunted with, really had him like this and it hurt me.

"Trust me." I only heard him say. I only blinked and I let him take me out the mirror maze. We got caught up with the rest but not even then I let go of his hand.

The rest lead the way for the remaining maze while Piero and I were behind and making faces at ourselves in the mirrors. Once we got out, Francis and Perla mentioned they were hungry so they were going to get something to eat.

Maria and Maxim said they wanted to go to another game, leaving Piero and I alone. "So, um..." He said as we waved them bye. I turned and saw him scratching the back of his head. "Do you want to go to another game or are you hungry?"

"If we are going to talk then a restaurant with some pizza would do." I said and he suddenly widen his eyes.

"Really?" He asked. "Oh! I have an idea... If you allow me."

"Go ahead." I said and smirked. He got so happy, I swear I could see all his teeth. He gently took my hand and we ran away from the carnival.

*20 minutes later in Piero's house*
Piero's POV:

We got home and ordered some pizza and I cooked her one of the recipes I had recently seen online. She put up the table for the two of us and put some good relaxing music in the back.

By the time we finished our dinner, I brought a wine bottle and two cups and just sat in the living room looking out the window. "As you know, her name is Esther." I said out of the blue.

Luna turned from her seat as she drank her glass up and widen her eyes at me. I only chuckled and kept on, "She's my ex-girlfriend. She is also a fan of the group."

"Wait. I'm not forcing you to tell me this. It's okay, it must be tough so I get it. We can drop this now." Luna said.

"No. I actually want to tell you. I won't be in peace with myself if I don't tell you. And... You should know more of her." I said and quickly drank my glass up.

"Is she that haunting to you?" Luna asked in a more confused way.

"Well... If you mean it in a bad way then yes." I said. Her eyes grew wide as she sat up and faced me completely.

"Okay... You're scaring me now." She said as she left her cup of wine in the small table beside her.

"There's nothing to be scared of... Well not now." I sighed and took one last sip of my cup before doing the same as Luna. "It all started one day in Rome. We were going to perform in an open theatre that night. We were practicing for the show when I noticed her come with some friends."

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