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Luna's POV:

Piero was dragging me by my hand. He had a large basket in his other hand and was walking quickly. "Piero,  I know we're going on a picnic now because you gave it away with the big basket."

"Yes it is, but that's not the entire surprise I have for you." He told me as he kept dragging me around the grassy area.

"Okay okay don't tell me, but please do tell me if we're even close. We've been walking for at least 20 minutes straight." I mentioned.

"We are, we are. Be patient my love." He said and kept walking. After what seemed another hour of walking, well dragging, Piero came to what seemed a dead end.

"We're here." He said with a wide smile in his face. I only frowned as I noticed the dead end.

"If you're going to kidnap me you should know by now that I'll be a cop soon." I said and he laughed.

"I'm not. Trust me." He smiled and turned around and somehow opened the small fence in front of us. He went over the other side and helped me in.

"What is this place?" I asked as we walked together down the small tunnel.

"It used to be an amusement park when my Nonno was a kid. They closed it when he was recently married and truly wanted for his kids to play here. He brought my dad here when he was 6 and then my brother and I too. Well Maria also went with us and my Nonno taught us how to turn on the machines and all. It was our escape spot when we were going through some tough times." Piero explained.

I was too in awe with the place that my inner child had gotten out from me. I was running around and seeing the height of the rides and the diversity of them too. It looked a bit creepy but for some reason it looked amazing.

"Come on. Let get on some rides and then I'll take you down to the beach." Piero said as he stretched his hand for me to take his.

"Down to the beach?" I asked confused. He smiled at me and only nodded.

"Yes, but one thing at a time. Let's go." I smiled and gladly took his hand.

*Later that day*

We were now sitting down in our picnic blanket facing the beautiful sea view. The sun was about to set and I wanted to go back home before it got darker.

"No... Let's just stay here for the night." Piero begged me.

"Piero, we didn't bring anything to camp out." I answered him as I tried to move his head from my legs.

We had been running around and playing in the water. We ate and went to the rides and had a blast the entire day. Until we noticed we were soaked, we decided to just sit down and let the nice breeze dry us out.

"Amore per favore. Just for 10 minutes more, yes?" He begged me and I noticed he was looking straight to my eyes. Oh how I loved getting lost in his eyes too.

"Fine. But just 10 minutes." I said and caressed his cheek.

"I know the way back to the house in case you're worried about it getting dark." He said in a laughing tone. "You know I can see through you."

"Yes, that's what I can see." I replied. He suddenly sat up and took out his phone from the basket.

"I've been waiting to show you this. It's a song I've been writing throughout these couple of days. Ignazio helped me arrange some good melodies for it and I truly want you to tell me which one is better." He scrolled through his playlist and played a catchy melody.

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