Sweet Lies

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Ignazio's POV:

"I can't bear with this wait no more." I said.

"Igna just calm down. I bet everything is good." Gianluca tried to ease me up but it was of no use.

"If this is you with Luna's baby, I can't imagine how you will be when you have your own first kid." Maria said.

"I haven't heard from Francis nor a doctor about Luna. I'm anxious okay?" I replied.

"Victor?" Maria asked herself as she saw the screen of her phone.

"Who's Victor?" Gianluca asked.

"The name of the baby. She named the baby Victor." Francis showed up and began to tell us his trip to the house and the reveal of the name.

"Why Victor?" I asked a bit confused. Francis seemed so happy as he couldn't hold back tears and smiled widely.

"Way before Piero died, he had given himself another name. When he was little he used to be super shy that when introducing himself... He would just hear him say Pier. So the teachers called his Pier instead of Piero. He then got fed up with it that he yelled in the middle of the class that he was called Victor." Francis said and chuckled. Soon after Maria did too.

"He would write everywhere that his name was Victor. It drove mom insane." She said.

"Family of Luna Ba..."

"Here! We are here. How is she doctor?" I suddenly asked as I heard Luna's name.

"She is fine, resting for now."

"What about the baby?" Francis asked.

"The baby is in a good shape so far..."

"So far? What do you mean with that?" Maria interfered.

"We detected something in his chest but we are running studies on him. But it's not looking like it's serious, he was born healthy and strong." The doctor mentioned.

"Could we see her?" I asked the doctor.

"Once we transfer her to her room we will let you know. Now of you excuse me, I must go and file in this case." The doctor said and left.

I sighed so hard and smiled widely. "Everything is good. Everything went fine." We all celebrated and called over to Piero's parents so they could come and see their grandson.

*A few hours later*
Luna's POV:

My baby was now in my arms. I rocked him a little so he could stay sound asleep. He was gorgeous, so small and fragile I was just so scared he would break.

"May I come in?" I heard someone ask. I turned and saw Ignazio peeking in the room.

"Yes. Come in." I said not too loud. He walked in and on his hands there was a bouquet of flowers with a balloon that said It's a boy.

"Hi momma! Oh the baby is here too?" He said as he put the flowers on one of the small tables of the room. He walked next to me and took a peek in my arms.

"Oh my. He looks like Piero." He said. "He's got his nose and.. Hahaha his ears!"

"Shhh! He's sleeping." I said and then giggled a bit too. "I know. He's perfect."

"Welcome to the world little Victor." Ignazio said and leaned down to kiss the baby's forehead.

Esther's POV:

"Can't you tell me what's wrong with him?" I asked my good old friend Ronaldo.

"I already told you Esther, his concussion was severe and not treated properly. The coma didn't help much either you know. I'll have to run some tests on him so see how bad the damage is." He told me.

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