Good and New Memories

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*At the graveyard*
Luna's POV:

"What's taking him so long?" I asked anxiously to Ignazio.

"What do I know? I'm just glad we're in the car, then we would have frozen just standing there." He said.

Gianluca had told us to let him alone with Piero so we let him go last. It has been 30 minutes now and we wanted to get it over with now since the temperature was decreasing.

"I'm going to pee my pants if he doesn't come in the following 5 minutes." Ignazio said.

"Just drive over there. I don't think he's even half finished. Look." I told him to see at what Gian was doing. He was now kneeled on the snow.

"What!?" He then honked but Gian didn't do anything. "That's it. I'm leaving him here and you're coming with me."

He drove a mile ahead and he got off at the public restroom. "Keep the car on so you don't get cold."

"I know. Now go before an accident happens." I laughed and he left. Looking out the front window, I noticed how everything was covered in white. A beautiful white, perfect timing for the holidays that were just around the corner.

I began to imagine how Piero would have celebrated this Christmas with me. I closed my eyes to make the images more clear. A long table was in front of me, all of our friends and families were there too. There was thousands of delicious looking dishes and pastries, I could have devoured the entire dishes upon me. Then, a light tap made me turn to my right. It was him. He smiled widely just like he used to, brightening everything with his famous smile.

'My love. This is for you.' He said. He then gave me a small red box. I gently took it and asked him what it was. 'Open it and you will see.' Curious, I lifted the top part off and saw a gorgeous diamond ring. It wasn't just any ring no, it was a wedding ring. 'Piero?' I asked him. He got on one knee and began proposing to me. I could feel the tears of joy rolling down my cheek as I said yes.

"Luna?" I heard Ignazio's voice. I opened my eyes and realized my hand was extended. "Why are you crying?" He then asked. I frowned and quickly looked at myself in the mirror above me.

"I was daydreaming again." I said calmly as I wiped the tears away.

"It wasn't a good idea to bring you here." He told me. I gently grabbed his hand and he looked at me confused.

"It wasn't. I told Piero everything that I had to tell him. I'll be visiting him after the baby is born so he can meet her or him. I cried enough to let him go and these tears are of the joy that is coming." I explained to Ignazio. He still looked worried but I actually gave him a wide smile.

I felt different after having an intimate talk with Piero. It's time for me to move on.

*A few hours later*

"Let's head home. I think we've shopped enough." Gianluca said after we finished eating our brownies. We had been shopping ever since we came back from the cemetery.

"Yes! My legs are killing me." Ignazio said.

"Then we should start leaving since we parked far away." I said as I stood up from the table and grabbed my bags.

"Uuugghhh!!" Both grunted, making laugh at their scary harmony. We dumped our trash and began our walk back to Ignazio's car.

We talked and joked around as we walked slowly down the piazza streets. We too laughed as we all were so close to slipping on the black ice in the sidewalk. As we were getting close to the parking lot, I noticed a window that very precious clothing.

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