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Davina's pov

I wake up with arms encased around my waist, I instantly feel scared but I relax when I recognise Kol's scent and just lay basking in how great it felt to be in his arms,  I felt warm and safe, I suddenly feel his breath hit my neck causing a pool to form in my panties and I almost moan but I refrain from doing so, god what's wrong with me, I've only just met him and here I am lying in his arms as if we were dating and me getting aroused by him simply breathing against me, "Kol?" I whisper "yeah" he whispers back letting me know he's awake "how long have you been awake?" I ask "I never slept love too busy watching over you" he mumbles nuzzling his nose against the back of my neck, I close my eyes in content "you didn't have to stay" I say sitting up finally breaking out of his embrace "you didn't want to be left alone so I stayed" he says sitting up "thank you I can't think of a guy who would stick around after seeing a girl they just met break down after having an argument with their dad" I say "well I'm different I will never leave a girl when she's vulnerable and in need of comfort" he says touching my shoulder causing tingles to shiver up my body "thank you I should get back home so I can pack my things and leave" I say standing up "wait you're really gonna leave Mystic falls?" He asks standing up "my dad clearly wants nothing to do with me so I can't stay" I say I just need to get to the boarding house, get a few of my things then leave "where will you go?" He asks "I'll figure it out I always do how do you think I survived all these years on my own" I say "if you need a place to stay you can stay at my place" he says I smile at him, my heart flatters at his kind offer "thank you Kol that's very nice of you but you've done more than enough for me already and I've only just met you I don't want to be a continuous burden to you" I say "you will never be a burden Davina I am your friend I care about you if you ever need anything or a place to stay you know who to call" he says my heart shatters a little when he's says friend and I have no idea why "well could you give me a ride home because I have no idea where to get home from here I kinda just walked and ended up here" I say with a slight giggle Kol grins at me "of course darling" he says I blush when he calls me darling, gosh what is wrong with me?, Me and Kol leave the motel suite and head downstairs, I hand in the room key and we head outside to his car.

We arrive at my house within​ half an hour "I'll call you later" I say to Kol before getting out but just as I shut the car door I open the door and crawl back in and plant a kiss on his cheek catching him by surprise "that's for being there for me last night" I say and kiss his cheek again "and that's for being the only person who cares to listen" I say with a smile before getting back out and shutting the car door once more, I walk up to the door with a smile on my face, I turn back to him and wave he grins and waves back before driving off leaving me alone. I take a deep breath before opening the door and going inside, just as I close the door I'm engulfed in a hug catching me off guard but I soon relax when I realise it's uncle Damon "thank god you're okay you had us all worried" he says pulling out of the hug and looking at me with relief and concern "you mean just you?" I ask feeling my eyes tear up "no everyone was going crazy looking for you" he says leading me into the living room "then where is everyone?"? I ask "Elena is at home with Jeremy, Bonnie and Caroline are trying to find you with a locator spell and your dad's out looking for you he's been out all night he's really worried about you" he says "well I'm here but not for long" I say "what do you mean?" He asks "I'm leaving Mystic falls and I don't plan on ever coming back" I say "no you can't leave we just got you back" he says "my dad doesn't need me or care about me if he did he would spare a few hours of being with his girlfriend and spend time with me I'm not important to him" I say a tear strokes down my cheek "Davina he loves you please don't doubt him" he says "he doesn't​ show it ever since I've been here all he's done is spend time with Elena and I get she's his girlfriend and that he loves her and of course he's allowed to spend time with her but he's completely shoved me aside especially since Klaus appeared and I know that's because he's trying to protect her but that doesn't mean he can just ignore me and leave me behind I don't feel at home I feel like I'm just some burden to him he hasn't sat down to have even a 5 minute conversation with me do you know how it feels to be ignored and completely pushed aside by your own father it hurts so much" I cry pouring my heart again but to my uncle who I know is also in love with Elena "I'm sorry I didn't know but just know Stefan does love you, you're his daughter for crying out loud he's just gotten carried away I promise you but please don't leave we can't lose you again your dad lost himself when he thought you were dad and when we discovered you were alive he cried out of happiness and he's never cried since well you" he says I just continue to cry just then the front door opens and closes and my dad soon appears with tear stained cheeks "Davina you're okay I'm so sorry" he cries pulling me into a hug, I just place my head against his chest and cry, he pulls away and looks me in the eye "never do that again you hear me? I thought I'd never see you again" he sniffles "I just needed to get away" I say "I understand but you should've never needed to get away in the first place I've been an awful father I'm sorry I never wanted you to feel unwanted I admitt I've been putting all my attention on Elena completely forgetting about you and I hate myself for that you are my daughter you are important and I promise I will be a better father to you from now on I will spend most of my time with you" he says "I don't want all your time dad I understand you want to keep Elena safe all I ask is for an hour or two of your time that's all" I say "you sure?" He says "an hour or two with you is fine with me as long as I get to see you and talk to you without you rushing out" I say "okay how about we go have that father daughter day that I rudely cancelled yesterday?" He asks "that sounds like a great idea give me an hour to get ready" I say "it's a deal" he says "great" I say with a smile before going upstairs, me and my dad made up and we're finally going to spend time together.

Awe another cute Kol and Davina moment, Davina and Stefan made up yay, stay tuned for more

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