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This chapter involves some Davina and Rebekah bonding along with some Kolvina kisses

Davina's pov

Elijah and Klaus had placed Kol on his bed, I paced around their living room out of stress and worry "Davina" Rebekah says making me halt my movements "Kol's fine love calm down" she says I sigh "I know I'm just so angry at my uncle why would he do something like this?" I ask Rebekah "I'm sure his heart was in the right place" she says I stare at her for a moment before replying "I get he's protective over me I don't blame him after everything that's happened but he attacked my boyfriend threatened to make him pay if he didn't break up with me" I say tearing up my uncle really went that far as to threaten to make Kol pay if he didn't break up with me "don't cry love" Rebekah says I nod "I won't I've cried too much I just wish my dad and uncle would respect my desicion to be with Kol I love him and for some reason that's not enough for them" I say "it's a typical father and uncle thing I can sort of relate" Rebekah says standing across from me "how?" I ask "my brother Nik everytime I've gotten involved with a guy and fallen in love he does something to sabotage it by either killing the guy or compelling the guy to forget about me" she says "why would he do that?" I ask "he believes no man is good enough for his little sister so he does anything he can to tear love away from me he did it with your father" she says I notice a sad glint show in her "he said you had a relationship with him" I say "it was a very short relationship between me and your father but I did love him I wanted to ran away with him and have a life with him but Nik compelled him to forget about us and he daggered me to prevent me from going after Stefan" she says "I'm sorry" I say "don't be I suppose if my brother never compelled him or daggered me you wouldn't be standing here today" she says with a smile "it is a miracle that you're alive vampires aren't supposed to be able to reproduce but somehow your father managed too and that is pretty amazing" she says "you know if my father managed to father a child while being a vampire prehaps other vampires could have children too" I say "prehaps that is true but if it's one thing I know things like that won't happen very often a vampire having a child will be rare" she says I nod just as Elijah and Klaus enter the room "Davina nice of you to be here" says Elijah "I'm here for Kol I do apologise about my uncle he was wrong to attack Kol" I say "I completely understand he's your uncle it's in his nature to protect you even if it emotionally hurts you in the process" Elijah says "that's the thing I've told both my dad and uncle there's no need to protect me when it comes to Kol" I say Elijah looks at me for a seconds but answering me "is that so?" He questions "yes I trust Kol and I know it makes me seem naive after he did lie to me about his relations to you and Elijah and why we really met but he apologized to me and he explained how he fell in love with me" I say "you believe him?" He asks "yes I do I could feel that he was being honest with me and I love him" I say Elijah smiles at me "interesting" he says Rebekah glares at him "Elijah quit interagating her" she says "could I go see Kol?" I ask "of course love" Klaus says who had been drinking bourbon while watching us talk, I give him a slight smile as I leave the room, heading up to Kol's room I find him stirring slightly on his bed indicating he will wake up soon, I sit on the bed and take his hand in mine giving it a gentle squeeze, a smile appears on my face when he squeezes my hand back prehaps he'll wake up sooner than I thought.

5 minutes later Kol gasps as he shoots up in his bed "hey you're okay calm down" I say stroking his face making him calm down instantly "Davina" he says "I'm here" I say "I thought you would've gone home with your dad and uncle" he says "after what happened at the ball no chance I'm sorry about my uncle attacking you" I say "hey it's fine it wasn't your fault" he says stroking my hand with his thumb "I know but I should've known he would do something stupid if he saw you" I say "typical uncle" he says I smile at him "yeah" I say "didn't your dad try taking you home I would've thought he dragged you home" he says "he tried getting me to go home he also added another week to my punishment so I'm now grounded for three but I'm pretty sure three weeks has just turned to four weeks" I say "what makes you say that?" Kol asks "I told him to go fuck himself" I say Kol chuckles "don't laugh I was just so angry with what happened and I snapped" I say "sorry it's just that's something I would do" he says with a grin "I assume it is" I say "I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be grounded too after what happened" he says "that won't be fare since my uncle started it" I say "I know but my mother won't care" he says "what a night huh" I say "I know this isn't how I wanted to tonight to go" he says "how did you want tonight to go?" I ask curiously "well I planned for tonight to be filled be perfect for us you know dancing, a bit of flirting and ending with some rather steamy kisses" he says with a wink making me blush and giggle "hmm really?" I say "yeah" he says I place my hand on his chin and I turn his head to face me and I plant my lips against his, he grins into the kiss as he deepens it, slipping his tongue in my mouth in the process our tongues dance as we continue to kiss, he brings a hand to my head and runs it through my hair, I moan when he bites my lip so I press my upper body against his the best I can making him groan "Davina will you be staying the night!?" Rebekah yells from the bottom of the stairs making Davina and Kol jump away from one another "will that be okay with you?" I ask looking at him "of course besides it's late and I don't want you going home in the dark" he says kissing my neck a little moan leaves my lips as he finds a sensitive spot on my neck and starts kissing and sucking at it "yeah!" I yell back to Rebekah, I close my eyes as Kol continues to suck at my neck but I soon push him away before things go any further "I need to get this dress off" I say standing up from his bed and making my way to his bathroom "I can help with that" he says "no thanks I'm good" I say just as I shut the bathroom door, I smile and bite my lip when I hear him chuckle.

What did you think of this chapter? Did you like seeing Davina and Rebekah get along? How do you think Stefan and Damon are feeling now? Stay tuned for more

Be warned there is drama ahead

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